"Room for Debate": New York Times tries new immigration "reform" push
Brace yourselves (roomfordebate.blogs.nytimes.com):
Starting this weekend, The Times will publish a series of articles on the impact that the latest wave of immigrants is having on American institutions. Education is the first theme, and in a previous Room for Debate discussion, experts shared their insights into what works best in teaching children who do not speak English. Here are excerpts of comments from readers, who shared their personal experiences and observations on the subject.
They invite you to "join the conversation" by leaving comments at their various blog entries. While normally I'd oblige, their comments are presented in chronological order and has over 450 comments. I.e., no one's going to scroll to page 20,000 to read your comment. And, they moderate comments and many/almost all of the comments I've left on their previous entries over the years never got approved. So, I'll take a pass. But, you can feel free to knock yourself out.
For instance, in the very slight possibility that no one has pointed it out already, you can point out that their latest entry [1] features seven education "experts", including a representative of the National Council of La Raza. From the anti-bilingual education side of things, one of the opponents is Linda Chavez. Some debate.
[1] roomfordebate.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/03/11/
eh (not verified)
Thu, 03/12/2009 - 10:59
HS 17638 e10k@hotmail.com 2009-03-12T12:59:42-05:00
_The Times will publish a series of articles on the impact that the latest wave of immigrants is..._ Apparently they haven't seen their latest circulation numbers and so are unaware that almost no one is paying attention. Like we need more 'analysis' of the immigration issue from the NYT in any case.
llamajockey (not verified)
Thu, 03/12/2009 - 15:35
HS 17639 cvlamantia@comcast.net 2009-03-12T17:35:26-05:00
Gee, what's next from the NYT 's "roomfordebate" a lively discussion on Evolution vs Creationism? If anybody including, old school true liberal Democrats, like myself wants the authoritative word as to the atrocity that is Bi-Lingual education they should refer to no less than Havard's Professor Steven Pinker, author of the "Language Instinct". "How the Mind Works", "The Blank Slate" and "The Stuff of Thought". Every advance in cognitive science and linguistics indicates that bi-lingual education is an impediment to children becoming fluent and literate in a nation's primary language and culture. The entire premise that Bi-Lingual Ed was based on has been proven false. Therefore its only rational is in fact to PREVENT the assimilation of non-natives populations. I saw Pinker on C-Span and he flat out told a lefty caller that there should be no debate as to the alleged merits of Bi-Lingual education because there were none. That the Bi-Lingual Education Hypothesis was as discredited as "Intelligent Design" Bi-Lingual education is just a fraudulent creation of Far, Far Left Moonbats like LA's very own Jackie Goldberg, an original 60's new left freakazoid. Download the wacky 1992 documentary "Berkley in the 60's" for a glimpse of Jackie Goldberg's background. Only Hippy-Dippy bong smoking new age soft skulled deadheads who have been living in a cave for the last 20 years attempt to back Bi-Lingual Ed solely on its alleged pedagogical benefits. Bi-Lingual Ed proves that the far left can compete very well with the far right Religious nut-jobs when it comes to d*mbf*ckery. So I guess it is just as well that NYT has Hispanic political hacks from both the far left and far right on the panel like La Raza and Linda Chavez. The whole debate surrounding of Bi-lingual ed has nothing at all to do with science, it has solely to do with whether or not it assists in the attainment and retention of political power by an ethno-centric interest groups.
D Flinchum (not verified)
Thu, 03/12/2009 - 20:38
HS 17640 dflinchu@blacksburg.net 2009-03-12T22:38:54-05:00
"the far left can compete very well with the far right Religious nut-jobs when it comes to d*mbf*ckery" Well said. The political correctness that is being imposed on us by the left is every bit as anti-science as the religious whoop on the right.