Rep. Jared Polis founded Spanish-language move theater chain (sold last year)

Freshman Rep. Jared Polis is such a strong supporter of illegal immigration that he got an award from the Mexican government in 2006. In 2005, as a public official, he was involved in a guide for illegal aliens produced by the state of Colorado.

And, in 2001 - a year after he was elected to the Colorado Board of Education - he founded "Sonora Entertainment Group" (, a chain of Spanish-language movie theaters. He apparently sold the company to two executives last September (, but he's still listed a "Founder" on the penultimate page and whether he's completely divested himself of any interest isn't known.


Polis also founded the New America School for illegal alien students. The school is just about 100% Latino illegal alien for the 2009 school year according to my neighbor who is a teacher here in Colorado and once taught in that area. In fact many schools in the Denver area have become 100% Latino (mostly Mexican illegal alien/anchor baby) and have pushed teachers like my neighbor to relocate to other areas of Colorado and even out of state because they were not Spanish speaking or refused to become Spanish speaking.

Most of the people like this evil shit jared polis hate Americans and the ideals of freedom and duty and justice and are total racists. this pig Polis has setup a political system schools here inside the USA, so the evil mexican oligarch's don't have to hand over drug money to the little brown people of mexico. and face facts coming down the road is a political system of race control. when the system has formed the new race hate voters called hispanics and a new politcal party become's real the blacks will understand what hate is and the end game is total control and mass murder of any who stand up and say no to evil like the shit from mexico and the pigs like Jared Polis but it is normal inside a drug dealers shit country to see people like Polis doing its thing on other people the real goal of this move by people like polis is the same as the Nazi did 70 years ago.