jennifer rubin
Jennifer Rubin (Washington Post)
Summary (posts follow):
Jennifer Rubin is one of the Washington Post's stable of conservatives. In her case, "conservative" is defined as unprincipled, globalist, moderate Republican. Those in the Tea Parties movement - who have a highly skewed vision of conservatism to begin with - tend to regard her as a "RINO" in the David Brooks mold, but not due to her globalist, anti-nationalist stance.
Rubin is basically just a token: she's not as bright as Brooks or some other conservative pundits and just scrapes by.
Last modified Nov 20, 2012
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
More ways Jennifer Rubin is wrong on immigration - 05/27/14
How can you tell when Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post is wrong on immigration? When she's writing or speaking about it. See her name's link for several past examples.
Amnesty fans cheer GOP, Teaparty mostly ignoring immigration to oppose Obamacare (NumbersUSA, Tea Party "Patriots") - 08/20/13
Jim Avila and Serena Marshall of ABC News enthusiastically offer "Obamacare Backlash Leaves Room for Immigration Reform to Breathe" ( ). It covers how those who should be opposing amnesty are either AWOL yet again, or aren't doing things correctly.
NumbersUSA, Steve King, Teaparty Patriots assist amnesty with weak immigration rally - 08/13/13
Yesterday, Numbers USA, Steve King, and the Tea Parties "Patriots" held an immigration rally in Richmond, Virginia that ended up helping those who favor an amnesty for illegal aliens.
Conservative leaders who support Marco Rubio's amnesty (Hannity, O'Reilly, Norquist, Cardenas, Krauthammer...) - 01/22/13
This post will maintain a list of those supposed conservative thought leaders (major pundits, media figures, organization heads, etc.) who support the form of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) proposed by Marco Rubio.
Jennifer Rubin's very weak arguments for immigration amnesty - 11/21/12
Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post offers "Weak anti-immigration reform arguments" ( ). I'll show you why her arguments are themselves very weak. If you're one of the few who trusts anything Rubin says, keep reading.
Jennifer Rubin /Pajamas Media has so-so advice for GOP, but doesn't get their fundamental problems ("Party of Not Obama") - 06/20/09
Jennifer Rubin of Pajamas Media offers "Rallying the Party of 'Not Obama'" (, a laundry list of suggestions for things that the GOP could oppose Obama over; it's a response to those who say the GOP should just concentrate on the positive.