What Devin Dwyer of ABC News won't tell you about the anti-American DREAM Act

Devin Dwyer of ABC News offers "Defying Cops and Klan, Immigrants Trek 1,500 Miles to Washington" [1]. It promotes the anti-American DREAM Act, but (as with almost all the other articles about that bill) fails to note that the bill would allow illegal aliens to take college educations away from U.S. citizens. Under the bill that Devin Dwyer is promoting, some eligible U.S. citizens would be prevented from going to college and instead their educations would be given to those who are here illegally.

His article doesn't follow the same structure as a PIIPP (see that link for an explanation and examples), instead discussing how four illegal alien students walked from Florida to Washington DC in support of the bill. They'll be at May 1's big immigration march in DC and they hope to speak to Barack Obama. They also appear to have sought confrontations in order to attempt to portray their opposition as racist; for instance, Dwyer recounts how they ran into the KKK but simply takes their word for the incident rather than doing real reporting and finding out if what they describe actually happened.

Please send a tweet to @devindwyer and ask him why he didn't tell his readers about the impacts of the bill.

UPDATE: The article also contains this:

The four were greeted Thursday on the steps of the U.S. House by three Republican members of Florida's congressional delegation – Reps. Ilena Ros Lehtinen, Lincoln Diaz Balart, and Mario Diaz Balart... "These students are Americans," said Mario Diaz-Balart. "They don't know any other place. We have to deal with that reality... They never made any decision to break the law, and to punish them for a decision that an adult may have made is against everything that we stand for as a country."

Actually, taking something from a citizen in order to give it to an illegal alien strikes at the very concept of citizenship itself. The three listed - and other supporters - are willing to sell out American citizens in order to obtain race-based power.

[1] abcnews.go.com/Politics/