devin dwyer
devin dwyer: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
What Devin Dwyer of ABC News won't tell you about the anti-American DREAM Act - 04/30/10
Devin Dwyer of ABC News offers "Defying Cops and Klan, Immigrants Trek 1,500 Miles to Washington" [1]. It promotes the anti-American DREAM Act, but (as with almost all the other articles about that bill) fails to note that the bill would allow illegal aliens to take college educations away from U.S. citizens.
Devin Dwyer of ABC News promotes anti-American bill; would deprive some U.S. students of college - 12/16/09
Devin Dwyer of ABC News offers the four-screen "Legal Limbo: Undocumented Students Eager for Congress to Act" [1] in which he promotes an anti-American bill that would prevent some U.S. students from attending college. If you trust Dwyer's reporting, please visit these two links: