Illegal immigration from Mexico slows, but many not returning home

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Miriam Jordan of the Wall Street Journal says:

The flow of immigrants from Mexico to the U.S. declined to the lowest level in a decade during the past year, a sign that the recession is deterring economic migrants from heading north in search of jobs.

However, there is no evidence of an increase between March 2008 and March 2009 in the number of Mexicans returning home from the U.S., according to an analysis by the Pew Hispanic Center, an independent research group in Washington.


Let me see, or ask why would you go back to a third world country once you are in a nation state that hands out money for your kid? why would anyone want to go back to some shit eating place when you can stay here and make 1000 times more money living off the government? and why would you go back to that country when each day 30 TO 100 PEOPLE ( monkeys ) are Murdered by drug dealers? and if you have been told each day of your hispanic so called life that the USA Was stolen from mexico and all of it is in fact your country not the evil Americans? Point of history This area we call the south west was never part of mexico in totally lost on most people. In fact THIS AREAS Or want is known as the south west was part of the spanish empire and mexicans are not of the same blood line as the people of spain in fact most so called hispanics who look white have white American blood line or european blood lines only 2 to 3 percent have spanish blood lines; the fact is the white guys in power want the monkey here to control the mass population of mexico and to control areas inside the USA That is why so many will never go home most think the USA Is mexico.