Tweets to Nobody likes Bernie! πŸ˜†

Nobody likes Bernie! πŸ˜†'s avatar
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Nobody likes Bernie! πŸ˜†
Irving, TX
work-shy, bone idle, and out of condition
Tweets to this user:
Keith Boykin's avatar
From @keithboykin
To my former Senate Republican colleagues, "Nearly all of you condemned the president’s behavior during the 2016 c…
Nobody likes Bernie! πŸ˜†'s avatar
From @MrTamhas
@keithboykin Flake had the chance to do something and didn't. He can shut up and never speak again!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MrTamhas: if you gave @keithboykin a map, a mirror, and a spotter, he still couldn't find his zhopa with both hands. Trump's base - the people Boykin needs to convince - hate Jeff Flake for being a pro-amnesty Koch stooge. If KB were smart, he'd use where Flake & Trump agree.