Harry Reid says want immigration "reform" this year; NCLR, MALDEF; business-friendly guest worker plan; promotes unrealistic chain migration
Earlier today, Harry Reid met with MALDEF and the National Council of La Raza, presumably to discuss comprehensive immigration reform. Before or after, speaking to reporters, he said this:
"As far as I’m concerned, we have three major issues we have to do this year, if at all possible: No. 1 is healthcare; No 2 is energy, global warming; No. 3 is immigration reform... It’s going to happen this session, but I want it this year, if at all possible... ...We need (a guest workers plan not just in agriculture but) in the food industry; we need it in the tourism [business]
Aside from a massive guest worker plan, the rest of what the article says he outlined was the standard compehensive immigration reform. Whether they'll have the time to make Reid's wishes come true remains to be seen.
He also spoke at an event celebrating Asian-American Pacific Islander Heritage Month (link), where he also promoted reform and made various misleading statements:
"Finally, we will again pursue comprehensive immigration reform that respects both our nation’s laws and the people from all nations who want to live in America, work hard and pay their fair share of taxes. And it is critical that we bring families together by cutting down on the long waits for prospective immigrants trying to join their immediate family members in the United States. I am committed to reforming our system in a way that is tough, fair and practical."
He's not only promoting chain migration, he's doing so in a completely unrealistic fashion. Any form of legalization would either have a very delitirious impact on those "prospective immigrants" or would result in thousands of criminals and even some terrorists being legalized. See the immigration line summary for the details.
eh (not verified)
Fri, 06/05/2009 - 09:12
HS 18367 e10k@hotmail.com 2009-06-05T11:12:14-05:00
Official simpleton of the US Senate.
Mary (not verified)
Fri, 06/05/2009 - 13:40
HS 18368 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2009-06-05T15:40:21-05:0
This guy needs to be replaced pronto! Apparently he ain't too popular in his home state...dspite his fund raising ability. He can and must be defeated . No doubt he represents the stupidity of congress.
WhereTheresSmoke (not verified)
Fri, 06/05/2009 - 19:56
HS 18369 dflinchu@blacksburg.net 2009-06-05T21:56:50-05:00
"long waits for prospective immigrants trying to join their immediate family members in the United States" Does this mean that he'll support laws that will NOT allow immigrants to bring in siblings and sick old parents? Somehow I doubt it.
Leave it to Beaner (not verified)
Fri, 06/05/2009 - 20:58
HS 18370 2009-06-05T22:58:48-05:00
Has Reid ever supported a bill that has the best interest[s] of the American Middle Class in mind? I cant think of any.