Provisions of the 2009 DREAM Act: amnesty for many under 35, huge loopholes, and more

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There's a summary of the latest version of the DREAM Act here. It's not a general amnesty, but it appears to have loopholes that could allow at the least hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to be legalized. Excerpts follow.

If, after reading the link, you want to do something about this, the best way is to have an impact on the political career of one of its supporters. Having an impact on a supporter's political career will send a message to all the rest. Here's how to do it:

1. Go to a public appearance by someone who supports the bill.
2. Get video of you asking that supporter the question here. Really press them on that point.
3. Upload the video to video sharing sites and promote it.

Excerpts from the link, bolding added:

In essence, an illegal alien under the age of 35 who's been breaking federal immigration laws for the last five years, but has a high school diploma or GED and has been admitted (not attending) an institution of higher learning will get an Amnesty. Illegal aliens must also show that they were first brought into the country at the age of 16 or less, but the DREAM Act provides no system or method to verify whether or not the illegal aliens applying for lawful permanent resident status actually meet the requirements. A signed affidavit will suffice.

The Amnesty offered in the DREAM Act sets no numerical limits on how many illegal aliens may be granted Amnesty, and they do not count against the current annual Green Card limits. Furthermore, once granted permanent resident status, beneficiaries of the DREAM Act can then sponsor their relatives under current Chain Migration laws...



Look my friends yesterday i was having coffee with a friend talking about political ideals, many hispanics don't like the fact that some real Americans understand what is happening and can see the evil facts, the USA Is a dead country soon to become a hispanic and world shit hold. to any who can see do not fight for this shit hold country, its pointless and you will be used for the drug dealers of the world, just wait until the end comes and fight with real Americans not for the one world pigs. "and yes fools", our system of evil aways has a loophold for our enemies. But guns the day is coming when you will need one. 300 million third world people on the way to take you down into hell.

watch PJTV Its has real news, some hope, some good news Israel takes out iranian convoy, bad news our side in the afghanistan government made rape legal, bad news al Qaeda now has its shadow Army working against Americans. and many are in Mexico helping the drug dealers. so the ideals of the mass dream act and mass political race amnesty for people under 35 as a political tool of mass murder of the people of the USA Is working so just stop and think who is in a Army like the mexican al qaeda drug dealers, "guys under 35", can't you see what is happening? Love you to leave it to beaner! don't get mad, be happy and buy guns for life.

take your gun and blow your fucking brains out fred. please.

I love petty, and if one is hated one is doing the right thing. Love and peace is all i want! after the war of freedom.