Obama sees "merit" in taxing the heck out of people and then just redistributing it

It's important to note that in the following quote (from this), Barack Obama is paraphrasing Warren Buffet, and that the following is not a direct quote from him. Only the "merit" part is from BHO himself. With that said, here's part of this recent NYT profile of him:

"If you talk to Warren [Buffet], he'll tell you his preference is not to meddle in the economy at all — let the market work, however way it’s going to work, and then just tax the heck out of people at the end and just redistribute it," Obama said. "That way you’re not impeding efficiency, and you’re achieving equity on the back end." He continued by saying that he thought there was some merit in Buffett's argument.


if obama becomes president the fun will start, obama hates the ideals of 1776 McCain hates the ideals of a free people so no matter who becomes the next boy in the white house its going to be fun. get out of the big cities your jobs and money are about to disappear into some third world rulers bank book. and have a nice day on the way to the third world whitout a fight for freedom, you have the camp system coming.

_"That way youÂ’re not impeding efficiency,..._ ? As if having the heck taxed out of you won't be slightly demotivating and/or lead many to putting their 'efficient' energies into finding someplace where they can run their business and keep more of what they earn. Or electing someone who will change the laws to allow that. And then there's his description of taking money away from people who have it and giving it to those who don't -- without paying too much attention to why some people have money and others don't -- as 'equitable'.

Working to pay taxes in which there is no real benefit from government has a word: slavery.