John Edwards: path to citizenship for *everyone* living in the U.S.
From this (scroll) we get this self-evidently lunatic quote from John Edwards (9/17 Service Employees International Union political action conference):
"We're going to ensure that every single person living in the United States of America has a completely achievable path to American citizenship so that they don't live in the shadows."
It'd be nice if we still had reporters rather than simply transcriptionists. They could have first asked Edwards what he means by "living in the U.S.A." What timeframe does that imply? Could someone live here for a day and then get on the "path"? Or, would it have to be a few weeks or a few months?
Then, they could have told the hairhead about the tremendous pressure that would put on our borders by the millions and millions and millions more who would try to come here and live for however little time it takes to get on the "path".
Any reporter who talks to Edwards should ask him about that, and any reporter who talks to him about immigration matters but who fails to ask him about that is simply a hack. I suspect we'll see many examples in the coming weeks.
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Tue, 09/25/2007 - 08:03
HS 12495 2007-09-25T10:03:35-05:00
Neither Edwards nor the reporters are stupid. They really do intend to legalize everyone who is here, and anyone who can get here, from now on. And in case Latinos didn't understand they had it translated into Spanish for them just a few weeks ago. The goal is apparently to turn the US into a Turd World country and exterminate the whites here. That certainly is the end result, and it makes perfect sense given the common leftist belief that "the white race is a cancer". Mr and Mrs white registered Democrat will still vote for Clinton-Obama, as long as they get their "free" healthcare.
llamajockey (not verified)
Tue, 09/25/2007 - 14:42
HS 12496 2007-09-25T16:42:34-05:00
_Mr and Mrs white registered Democrat will still vote for Clinton-Obama, as long as they get their "free" healthcare._ Tanstaafl, As much as you may like to believe it, even white Democrats and many liberals are not that stupid. All the major expansions in our Social Welfare system occured at time of stable sustainable immigration, 1933-1965. I went for a walk on Saturday and started chatting with a neighbor who said he and his family were lifelong Democrats. He also was in full support of UHC. Yet he came right out and said with out prompting that you can not take any candidate seriously on Healthcare if you know they will not do anything about illegal immigration and outsourcing. He was no fan of any of the current candidates.
llamajockey (not verified)
Tue, 09/25/2007 - 15:24
HS 12497 2007-09-25T17:24:34-05:00
Edwards if you ask me has sunk his campaign by trying to out pander Hillary, Obama, Richardson and Dodd for the Latino vote. As a white male from the south with a last name other than Clinton he never had a chance with the Latino vote. Edwards blew a major opportunity to rock the house and completely shake things up by refusing to go the pander route at the Univision debates. If you have noticed Edwards has lost significant ground in the polls in last two weeks like I predicted. I doubt Hillary or Obama really gained support as much as lots of working age Democrats primarily concerned with populist issue surrounding illegal and legal immigration's impact on the labor market are now simply tuning out. Lots of Democrats are now seeing Hilary as the inevitable nominee. They know once folks realize that Obama's new kid on the block campaign is big on "personality" and image short on substanially different ideas, the momentium is sure to quickly fade. Meanwhile Edwards is still running on that same tired personality based "my daddy was a mill supervisor" bullshit. Playing Mr. Nice Guy only earned him that Breck Girl Light weight label he is having a hard time breaking away from. Edwards only gains respect when he shows flashes of the tough court room liablity lawyer skills that made him a very rich man. Besides lots of Democrats still do not forgive him for playing puppy dog during the 2004 fall campaign to Dick Cheney all out Darth Cheney take no prisoners tactics.
llamajockey (not verified)
Tue, 09/25/2007 - 16:14
HS 12498 2007-09-25T18:14:56-05:00
From the article _ But some Hispanic groups and analysts doubt the candidates' sincerity, saying they discuss the issue only in front of Hispanic groups. And some Hispanic Democratic lawmakers, including Rep. JosΓΒ© Serrano (N.Y.), have been critical in the past of what they see as their party's reluctance to address the issue. Rep. Rahm Emanuel (Ill.) and other Democrats have been accused of ducking the issue to win Hispanic support by default, as the GOP gets tainted as anti-immigrant. Republican candidates have been jockeying to appear as the toughest on illegal immigration, especially after the political thrashing Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) endured after supporting what many saw as amnesty. After Emanuel reportedly said this summer that he doesn't want Democrats to address the issue until the second term of a Democratic presidency -- Emanuel's office denies this -- Hispanic leaders say they think Democrats are hoping to win Hispanic votes by default. Emanuel's office said Wednesday that he meant it is difficult to revisit an issue when it has already been so soundly defeated twice, but that he remains committed to resolving the problem._ If any combination of the true Republican Immigration Restrictionist candidates do well in primaries namely Hunter and Tancredo, it may force a change in the Republican party platform pushing enforcement. Now the Democrats are trapped. If they do not come out in favor or a new round of "CIR" the Latino Radicals and Open Borders lefties like the Neo-Wobbly orgainizers in the SEIU and ANSWER will take to the streets. Oh Yeah, Rahm Emmanuel is a major A-hole. He personally, made 19 million selling out his party's base by helping to pass NAFTA.
Mary (not verified)
Tue, 09/25/2007 - 17:09
HS 12499 2007-09-25T19:09:45-05:0
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Tue, 09/25/2007 - 20:03
HS 12500 2007-09-25T22:03:34-05:00
Can good Americans agree then to put party politics behind us and vote only for those people, in either party, who put America first and will tell the invaders and their supporters to go to hell? Can a lifelong Democrat swallow their pride and vote for Tancredo? Can a lifelong Republican throw off the media mind control long enough to "waste their vote" on Tancredo? Because if enough of us did that even the media would have to admit he won fair and square. They would probably assassinate him, but the damage to the media's pro-invasion Reality Distortion Field would be devastating. All we need is for more people to wake up and realize that so many of our problems are linked to mass immigration, and they are trivially solvable by ending and reversing that mass immigration. Crime, prisons, schools, taxes, gangs, crowding, energy, water, roads, climate, healthcare - think of the massive load that would be taken off our society if it wasn't burdened by millions of illegal invaders.
mary (not verified)
Tue, 09/25/2007 - 21:26
HS 12501 2007-09-25T23:26:40-05:0
One reason why these idiot politicians want to legalize these illegals is because they are uneducated and unable to understand much in English.....When the poor hear FREE health care and FREE ride they will vote for the Socialist they like best. Be that Hillary or the other creeps. By the way , need I remind you that Roy Beck of NUMBERSUSA is a democrat .