Jeff Sessions warns: AgJOBS, DREAM Act amnesties as amendments

From this:
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., a leading immigration policy critic, said Wednesday that amendments planned for upcoming legislation could put more than 4 million illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship.

...Sessions warned colleagues in a letter that legislation (S 774) labeled the DREAM Act that would allow states to provide college benefits to illegal immigrants could be offered as an amendment to the fiscal 2008 Defense appropriations bill (HR 3222) later this month. The measure could benefit 1.3 million illegal immigrants.

More alarming to Sessions was that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., plans to offer an amendment to the five-year farm bill that could come to the floor in October that could legalize 1.5 million farm workers [the AgJOBS amnesty, S 340]. The Congressional Budget Office estimated they would bring another 1.8 million relatives into the country with them...
Senator Harry Reid recently promised Feinstein to make AgJOBS part of the Farm Bill, and Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) is apparently negotiating with Feinstein on that.

UPDATE: More here involving Sen. Dick Durbin.


Pelosi is absolutley insane. Today she should have learned that there is no way the Democrats can pacify the La Raza/MALDEF/LULAC/MEChA.... Borg. Pelosi needs to demonstrate some leadership and pull in the reins on Gutierrez, Tauscher, Lofgren, Jackson Lee, the entire Latino Caucus and the rest of worst of Open Borders panders or she is simply going to hand the House of Representives back to Republicans in 2008. Seriously WTF!!! As late as last June Pelosi was saying that she needed no less than 80-90 Republican votes inorder to provide sufficient cover in order to pass "CIR". Is there anything close to 80-90 Republican votes for any of these three bills? Right along with the word Amnesty the Immigration Restrictionist forces should be crying Appeasement!!! The current AgJobs bill alone not to mention with the DREAM and or STRIVE act attached will cause every purple and all but the most blue district Democratic House members to run for cover. LIKE I HAVE BEEN SAYING THE DEMOCRATS ARE NOW ALMOST CERTAINLY FACING THE SPECTOR OF MASS DEMONSTRATIONS IF NOT RIOTS BY THE OPEN BORDERS FANATICS AT THE DENVER DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Watch NumbersUSA's membership double by the end of the year.

I have called Sessions office several times urging him to IMPEACH BUSH over this issue. You know, if it passes he will sign it. The slimes are determined to destroy this country and they will not stop trying to do just that. Plus the letter from 13 Governors PLEADING for more Immigrants...unfreakingbelievable... Includes my own IDIOTIC Governor Patrick of MA. The one whose speech memorializing 911 said "all we need is love and understanding"...WHAT A JACKASS!!

LOL, llamajockey. Had the same thought about both Islam and Mexicans without borders being like the borg. They ain't here to be friendly, communicate or assimilate. Rather, it is Pelosi (and the rest of us) who will be absorbed into the collective. Hey! Wait a minute. I'm not laughing anymore.

AgJOBS, my Aunt Fanny. It should be called AgAMNESTY4THEENTIREFAMILYFRAUDMAGNET, or shortened to 'Mahamud's Law' in honor of Mahmud Abouhalima, the terrorist New York City cab driver who fraudulently gained amnesty as an agricultural worker under the '86 law. If you thought the Z-visa provisions of the general amnesty bill couldn't be any looser, take a closer look at AgJOKE.

Just look at how our slimy sneaky "representatives" do their dirty work. Hanging their treason on a defense bill. What's wrong, you can't just make it an earmark? They make me retch.

I know where the democrats stand...ALL of them are for open borders ....look at how they mandered to the Debates in spanish television...One of the first debates , when asked how many want Englisgh as the official language all but one could care less!! THEY make me retch...Not that the Republicans are much better--GUILIANI is not only an open border Illegal immigrant hugger, BUT he is supposedly involved in the North American union Highway...don't trust him...McCain -TOAST anyway!-Fred -don't know yet and Romney -don't know if he can be trusted to do what he says.......Wish Mainstream would give Tancredo and Hunter more visibility ....I don't know about Paul- I like some things he says but others seem round the bend!

If this is such an important issue for the Democrats, I think it there should be more focus on it in their presidential debates. I'll bet the 75% of voting American citizens who disapprove of amnesty would be interested in knowing where they stand. They keep this up and they're going to have their shortest period ever as a majority in Congress.

Tancredo and Hunter would make a good ticket. We need to get them out there more ourselves, both are not new to the illegal problem have worked years to help solve it. If you look at their record they are not shy on other issues either. They are the only ones I trust to do what they say they will. Pelosi and Hillary give woman a bad name. Illinois spends $3.1 billion on illegas every year but that is ok with ?Sen. Durbin?, Illinois is the new Mexico.