Chambliss, Isakson want "emergency supplemental" for border security (and their jobs and amnesty too)
In a desperate bid to save their jobs and their hopes for the Senate's illegal immigration amnesty, Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson have sent a letter [1] to president Bush urging him to:
send an emergency supplemental spending bill to Congress to fund border security. Chambliss and Isakson believe emergency supplemental funds to secure the border will go a long way towards restoring the confidence of the American people in the federal government’s commitment to border security.
This is apparently because of the heat they've been receiving; their admission is duly noted:
As we travel around Georgia and continue to hear from our constituents, the message from a majority of Georgians is that they have no trust that the United States Government will enforce the laws contained in this new legislation and secure the border first. This lack of trust is rooted in the mistakes made in 1986 and the continued chaos surrounding our immigration laws.
Their thinking is clear: a years-late dollop of border security - done in a bright, flashy manner - will make the amnesty go down. But, somehow I don't think they want to try this for a few years and then get back to us, so I suggest keeping up the phone calls and get out there and discredit some politicians.
eh (not verified)
Tue, 06/12/2007 - 20:10
HS 11301 2007-06-12T22:10:02-05:00
_...continued chaos surrounding our immigration laws._ More like willful disregard. Yeah, one of those "emergency supplemental" thingamajigs -- that'll take care of the problem. Wonder why didn't I think of that.