Mexico's propaganda textbooks promoted

Louis E. V. Nevaer is an investment advisor of some kind, the author of the forthcoming "HR and the New Hispanic Workforce", and a contributor to the racist Pacific News Service/New America Media. He offers a slab of anti-American propaganda in "U.S. Schools Benefit from Mexican Largesse" (also here):
At a time when Americans throughout the country are frustrated by the failure of public schools to teach their children, Mexico is increasing its efforts to help struggling school systems deal with immigrant children who speak Spanish.

"We are grateful that the Mexican Consul and the Mexican government have taken such an interest in helping Denver Public Schools and its students," Jerry Wartgow, Superintendent of the Denver Public Schools, said when Mexico donated 30,000 Spanish-language textbooks for elementary students...

From San Diego to Orlando, from Chicago to Las Vegas, the Mexican government, through its 42 consulates throughout the United States, is accelerating its ambitious "foreign aid" program designed to deliver millions of Spanish-language textbooks to American schools this decade...

...[...Refers to Phyllis Schlafly's concerns...] The books, correctly, point out that the United States reneged in its obligations under the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo which ended the Mexican-American War in 1848 when the U.S. Congress established a commission to review property titles in 1851, designed to expropriate the land of Mexican nationals who were now living in U.S. territory.

...Mexican American folklorist Americo Paredes has called what we are witnessing as "Greater Mexico" โ€“ achieved one textbook at a time. While Americans may fret that Johnny Can't Read, Mexico wants to make sure that Juanito Pueda Leer.

The article also quotes Vicente Fox, who said at the Congress of the Spanish Language in Madrid:
"To continue speaking Spanish in the United States is to 'hacer patria' (fulfill one's patriotic duty)."
And, Raquel Romero, director of Mesoamerica Foundation, a "Mexican nonprofit organization" says:
"This is more than an 'outreach' program... This is part of a concerted program to educate Hispanic children in the United States, and to help the United States make the transition into a bicultural society this century. It is a way of understanding that Mexican culture is expanding across the border, that it is in ascendance, and that Hispanic and Latino children in the United States will never be blond, blue-eyed Anglos... Reaching out to young Hispanics in their formative years, and while they're in public school is the way to go... Mexico has to be there for them, reminding them that they come from a great civilization, and can be proud of their who they are, and where their families come from."