EU to begin fingerprinting children (for their safety, of course)
From this:
The EU is planning to fingerprint children from as young as six, and earlier just as soon as it is technically feasible, according to documents obtained by Statewatch. The matter has already caused considerable debate (albeit behind closed doors and with no visible civil liberties concerns) among member states, but is being pushed ahead as part of a broader push towards biometric identifiers, without reference to the European Parliament...
Via this, which despite - or perhaps because of - being a Sun blog says:
[Former Sun CEO and wacky hundreds-of-millionsaire] Scott McNealy was renowned for expressing the view that he'd happily have his kids RFID tagged if it meant be could keep track of them. As a father's prerogative, there may be something in that - but when representatives of the 25 EU member states gather behind closed doors to plan the compulsory fingerprinting of children as young as 6, I tend towards deep unease.
dchamil (not verified)
Thu, 08/03/2006 - 04:37
Scott McNealy is willing to have his own kids tagged with the RFID device, they say. How about illegals apprehended in this country? Why not send them back to Meh-hee-co with an implant for identification in case they cross the border again? If it's good enough for a multimillionaire's kids, why isn't it good enough for border crossers?
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 08/02/2006 - 23:25
its a world geopolitical system of mass enslavement of all people.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 08/02/2006 - 23:25
its a world geopolitical system of mass enslavement of all people.