May Day illegal immigration march/boycott: the supporters

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Who supports the May 1 illegal immigration boycott and/or the marches on that day? Let's keep track of them in this post.

The Democrats in the California state senate support both the march and the boycott.


New Jersey Attorney General Zulima Farber (enlightennj.blogspot . com/2006/04/remove-new-jersey-attorney-general.html) attended and spoke at her local rally (corzinewatch . com/2006/05/01/farber-to-attend-illegal-immigration-rally). She had attended a rally (northjersey . com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk2MDYmZmdiZWw3Zjd2cWVlRUV5eTY5MjQyODYmeXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkz) on April 23 as well. She's the first Hispanic to hold that post, but whether she's ethnically, ethically, or intellectually compromised is not known.

KTTV's Tony Valdez (michellemalkin . com/archives/005117.htm) comes out in support of the reconquista. You can hear the interview by doing a find for his name in this listing (johnandkenshow . com/audio.php?offset=0&per_page=50).

Martin Sheen (californiaconservative . org/?p=2971) was at the MacArthur Park rally.

King County Executive Ron Sims (soundpolitics . com/archives/006128.html) lead the march in Seattle.


Subcomandante Marcos has emerged (washingtonpost . com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/01/AR2006050101477.html) from his place of concealment and marched in Mexico City in support of illegal aliens in the U.S. He and his entourage marched alongside union workers celebrating Labor Day, radicals waving banners showing Russian revolutionary heroes Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, middle-class families and some protesters dressed in clown costumes and banging drums. Thousands of them ended up in front of the U.S. consulate. One of the marchers has a message for you: "We remind the gringos that they are a country of immigrants. The work that gringos don't like to do is being done by Mexicans"

Mumia Abu-Jamal has thoughts: la.indymedia . org/news/2006/04/154845.php

Goya Foods suspended (sfgate . com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2006/05/01/national/a140531D50.DTL) delivery everywhere except Florida, saying it wanted to express solidarity with immigrants who are its primary customers.

Here's a letter from the president of Ralph's Supermarkets (freerepublic . com/focus/f-news/1624613/posts). They support immigration "reform" and understand that some of their employees might want the day off. That major Southern California chain - where up until I saw that email I had spent hundreds of dollars - is owned by Kroger's. (If Kroger's doesn't support his email, they should fire him.) If you have a Ralph's card, Doug McIntyre (kabc . com/mcintyre/listingsEntry.asp?ID=431467&PT=McIntyre+in+the+Morning) is reportedly collecting them to be sent back.

Geraldo Rivera has reportedly (enlightenmentreactionary.blogspot . com/2006/05/geraldo-brain-dead.html) reiterated his support for "his" people (almost all of whom aren't really of the same ethnicities as he is).

Barack Obama sides (wqad . com/Global/story.asp?S=4843201&nav=1sW7) with the foreign citizens marching in our streets.

Smithfield Foods says (smithfieldfoods . com/Investor/New/press_view.asp?ID=301) "On May 1, A Day Without An Immigrant, we will be encouraging and assisting our employees to write their senators and representatives in Congress to ask them to pass just legislation that includes protections for legal immigrants and their employers, provides a path to citizenship for those who are willing to work, and does not separate family members. We believe this is the most effective action our employees can take to persuade Congress to make the right choices."

4/30/06: National Beef in Nebraska will close (freerepublic . com/focus/f-news/1624412/posts) on Monday.

There's a long list of very minor players in the "Open Letter to White Communities" entitled "For May Day and Beyond: White People Step up for Immigrant Rights!" at binghamtonpmc . org/newswire/display/1992/index.php

There are socialistic flyers (no names) here: straycouches . com/mayday

The next five paragraphs were derived from this (apnews.myway . com/article/20060430/D8HAGV701.html):

In each of New York City's five boroughs, thousands of workers are expected to take work breaks shortly after noon to link arms with shoppers, restaurant-goers and other supporters along city sidewalks for about 20 minutes. "This will symbolize the interdependence of all of us, not just immigrants, but all of society," said Chung-Wa Hong, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition.

Perdue Farms will close six of their 14 plants.

Gallo Wines is giving its 150 employees the day off

Greg Schirf, owner of Wasatch Beers in Utah, said that when some of his Latino employees sheepishly asked if they could take off Monday, he responded: "How about this? We'll just take a company holiday. We'll call it 'Latino Appreciation Day.'" (The last two would be very easy boycott targets for the American side. There are a large number of wineries and breweries to choose from.)

Mahonrry Hidalgo, head of the immigration committee of New Jersey's Latino Leadership Alliance: "The marches are a tool, but they are being overused," said . Like civil rights boycotts of decades past, he said, "this could finally be the spark for our people to advance."

Different LULAC chapters seem to have slightly different opinions. New Mexico (kfoxtv . com/news/9103364/detail.html): LULAC officials in Las Cruces say even though they support the effort, they are asking students to stay in class and that workers who fear they may lose their job stay at work. From Oklahoma: (wfaa . com/sharedcontent/dws/news/texassouthwest/stories/DN-tswboycott_30tex.ART.State.Edition1.90ebc57.html) [Ray] Madrid said LULAC [of Oklahoma] is not promoting a work stoppage, although some workers plan to stay home and boycott retailers. From Texas (mysanantonio . com/news/metro/stories/MYSA043006.01A.Mayday_advance.87cc156.html): ...Leading U.S. migrant advocacy groups are taking a diplomatic approach over the touchy boycott issue. Local representatives of the League of United Latin American Citizens and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund asked participants to do what they think is best, but to consider the ramifications... The message is quite different for youngsters: They're being asked to not skip school or lead walkouts... "They can join the rally after school," said Henry Rodríguez, Texas civil rights director for LULAC. The Odessa TX chapter (oaoa . com/news/nw042706b.htm) isn't supporting the boycott. That in NoCal is (contracostatimes . com/mld/cctimes/14430957.htm): "If it's being done to put the fear of God in people, it's working," said Jerry Oquendo, Bay Area chapter president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, or LULAC. "We're going to tell our people not to be intimidated and to come out and rally (May 1). We'll do everything in our power to protect them." From a bit to the south: (hollisterfreelance . com/news/contentview.asp?c=184333) The local LULAC chapter is supporting the May 1 boycott - for workers - but has no plans to organize a local demonstration, according to San Benito County LULAC President Mickie Luna. From California (news.ncmonline . com/news/view_article.html?article_id=64c4eb3d59caf17d464724568c1627ee) comes this slightly not credible report: The call for the boycott has reached every corner of America and is expected to create an economic impact, according to a Los Angeles Coalition working along with the National Immigrant Solidarity Network, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and other grass-roots organizations throughout the country.

Regarding the last link from the racist Pacific News Service, the article is from Milwaukee's conquistadornews . com, which was founded by the Goodson also mentioned in the article: Nelson Goodson and Ernesto Nava, both members of the March 23 Coalition, "A Day Without Latinos Peaceful March"... voted in consensus to proceed with the one day boycott nationwide... A strong message has been circulated by supporters of the boycott not to buy any products, gas, and other items from major stores and companies not related to or supporting the Hispanic community.

4/29/06: There's a long list of mostly low-level, fringe, and/or Usual Suspect supporters here: actionla . org/features/view.php?id=472 There are three groups with "Communist" and five with "Socialis". However, perhaps the most ironic are two groups from Quebec. And - of course - Ramsey Clark's International Action Center has signed on, as has the Revolutionary Communist Party-linked World Can't Wait. And, in a blast from the past, so has the Students for a Democratic Society. The two groups closest to the mainstream are the United People of Color Caucus of the National Lawyers Guild (if the whole NLG doesn't support what that Caucus supports, they shouldn't be using the NLG's name) and the Green Party USA. Regarding the latter, see "Greens Endorse May 1 Strike for Immigrant Rights" (gp . org/press/pr_2006_04_26.shtml).

4/28/06: All the political parties in Mexico's lower house have issued (msnbc.msn . com/id/12530254) a similar declaration to that issued by their counterparts in Alta California. They're sending a delegation to Los Angeles to meet with mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. All of those who supported him should never be allowed to forget that they supported him. (The exact day when they're coming here is unknown, but Villaraigosa now says he'll be out of town on Monday.)

From this (littlegreenfootballs . com/weblog/?entry=20300_Muslim_Groups_Will_March_with_Illegals) (copy here (freerepublic . com/focus/f-bloggers/1623289/posts), also here): Joining illegal immigrants in their march on May 1: radical Islamic front groups the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

From ever further to the left: maydayinthebay.dyndns . org. They want "Full, unconditional and immediate "amnesty" for all immigrants", "Free movement for all people", and more. There's no word on who's behind the group, but they subscribe to the 'Peoples' Global Action' ethos.

And, from this (speroforum . com/site/article.asp?idcategory=33&idSub=134&idArticle=3432): the National Federation of Asian American United Methodists, Methodists Associated to Represent the Cause of Hispanic Americans (MARCHA, get it?), Mark Nakagawa, pastor of Centenary United Methodist Church in Los Angeles, support the boycott.


And, from the provided sources:

(source: Reuters, 'May 1 protest aims to "close" cities' reuters . myway . com/article/20060427/2006-04-27T205226Z_01_N26224260_RTRIDST_0_NEWS-USA-IMMIGRATION-DC.html)

Jorge Rodriguez, union organizer: "There will be 2 to 3 million people hitting the streets in Los Angeles alone. We're going to close down Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Tucson, Phoenix, Fresno... We want full amnesty, full legalization for anybody who is here (illegally)... That is the message that is going to be played out across the country on May 1." (While that's a common name, based on "Immigration fights don't take recess" (ocregister . com/ocregister/homepage/abox/article_1100161.php) he appears to be a Sacramento organizer with the Union of American Physicians and Dentists, which "is affiliated with the AFL-CIO through AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees". uapd . com.)

Chicago Catholic priests: "have helped organize protests, sending information to all 375 parishes in the archdiocese."

Cargill Inc., Tyson Foods Inc and Seaboard Corp "said they will close plants due to the planned rallies."

Cardinal Roger Mahony supports the march, but not the boycott: "Go to work, go to school, and then join thousands of us at a major rally afterword."

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa... has said he expects protesters to be "lawful and respectful" and children to stay in school.

Juan Jose Gutierrez, director of the Latino Movement USA: "This is going to be really big. We're going to have millions of people... We are not concerned at all [about a backlash]. We believe it's possible for Congress to get the message that the time to act is now." And, the next link has this quote: "Americans respect those who struggle, those who don't cow down... We can't (only) continue marching to make ourselves heard."

(AFP, Latin Hollywood actors back immigrant boycott (breitbart . com/news/2006/04/27/060428003322.epcumvdx.html)

Edward James Olmos (who hugged your blogger - in a very manly fashion - while we were sweeping up after the L.A. riots and whose hug your blogger hereby renounces): "The protest will be very important, because it will teach a lesson to politicians and the rest of the United States."

Selma Hayek: Before departing on a European promotional tour, Hayek was considering how she could support the May 1 boycott, a source close to the actress said.

Gustavo Santaolalla ("Brokeback Mountain" composer from Argentina): "We have to demand respect and dignity, because we are all workers and because we are already part of the DNA of this country."

John Leguizamo (actor from Colombia) is "proud of the protests" and says "It is insulting that the law would call an immigrant a criminal... It's horrible."

National Council of La Raza ("National Council of The Race") does not oppose the May 1 action, but suggested that instead of taking the day off, marches take place after school or work.

Eva Longoria ("Desperate Housewives") has also spoken out for the cause, but is careful to see both sides of the benefits of immigration, as well as the need to secure the US border.

(source: Spanish 'Star-Spangled Banner' Draws Ire (breitbart . com/news/2006/04/27/D8H8LGDO0.html) by Laura Wides-Munoz)

Adam Kidron (isteve.blogspot . com/2006/04/who-is-adam-kidron-man-behind-nuestro.html) (British music producer from Urban Box Office; U.S. resident for 16 years): Pro-immigration [sic] protests are planned around the country for Monday, and the record label is urging Hispanic radio stations nationwide to play the cut at 7 p.m. EDT Friday in a sign of solidarity.

Wyclef Jean, hip-hop star Pitbull and Puerto Rican singers Carlos Ponce and Olga Tanon (featured on the song)



Boycott Cinco de Mayo!!

Boycott any business commemorating Cinco de Mayo until July 4th!

Shun the usage of Cinco de Mayo (in return for the insult of the National Anthem in Spanish!!).

Create a new Fifth of May celebration to celebrate clean streets, a law-abiding population, and the beauty of the English language!!

The United States is a sovereign nation. We make our laws, not MEXICO or MEXICANS!

Besides, Mexicans boycotting and not purchasing anything is a complete joke. Like they spend money anyway. How about Americans of all color boycott companies that hire illegal aliens, and all companies or franchises that support the Mexican May 1st boycott? Tyson Foods should be the first company I boycott.

It turns out the song's producer Adam Kidron is not Hispanic at all. Indeed, he's from a very interesting family. He was born in England, where his father, Michael Kidron, was a famous Marxist theoretician and his uncle, the late "Tony Cliff," was the leader of the largest Trotskyite party in Britain, the Socialist Workers Party or SWP.

We need to remind our Senators and Representatives who elected them and whose interest they are supposed to represent, the citizesn of the U.S. not illgegal aliens. I think we all should email or otherwise contact them on Monday, May 1.

Contact your Senators:

Contact your Representative:

Jose -- We're not going into the streets because we don't have to. The politicians are getting our message and besides:

There aren't enough streets to hold us all. Think about it.

Legal immigrants - Si.
Illegal immigrants - No.

Just remember, May 1 is "shop til you drop and buy American" day. The American economy can do just fine, thank you, without the third world invaders and their cheap labor, and that also goes for cheap imports from communist china. "A day without a mexican"? It's too bad they aren't going to make this a permanent thing.

Read this, its happening each day and someday one will kill many poor people, you can thank mexico and the bush government, listen to what T.J.Bonner president of the border patrol is telling you, and its not good news.
"death is not good for little kids".
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Dearborn resident helped terror group

Man admits he hosted meetings at his home to raise funds for militants based in Middle East.

By David Shepardson / The Detroit News

DEARBORN -- A Dearborn man pleaded guilty Tuesday to providing material support to Hezbollah, a foreign terrorist organization.

Mahmoud Youssef Kourani, 33, admitted to hosting meetings at his Dearborn home during Ramadan in 2002 and allowing a Lebanese man to solicit donations from people there for Hezbollah.

The U.S. government considers Hezbollah, a Lebanese group known as Party of God, to be a terrorist organization. The group's goals, the government says, include the eradication of "Western imperialism" from the Middle East.

Hezbollah has conducted many high-profile terrorist attacks, including the killing of a Marine lieutenant in 1989.

Under the plea deal with the U.S. Attorney's Office, Kourani faces no more than five years in prison. Under the original charge, he faced up to 15 years. He will be sentenced June 14 by U.S. District Judge Robert H. Cleland.

Federal agents found thousands of dollars and evidence of wire transfers when they searched Kourani in May 2003. He was then charged with housing an illegal immigrant.

The U.S. Attorney's Office said Kourani bribed a Mexican consular official in Beirut to get a visa to travel to Mexico. Kourani and a traveling companion then paid another man in Mexico to be smuggled across the southern U.S. border Feb. 4, 2001, the government said.

Kourani received training in weaponry, spy craft and counterintelligence in Lebanon and Iran, the government said. It also said Kourani was "a member, fighter, recruiter and fund-raiser for Hezbollah."

His brother is Hezbollah's chief of military security in southern Lebanon and oversaw Kourani's activities.

Kourani, a carpenter, has been in custody since May 2003, when federal agents searched his house on Argyle Street in Dearborn and charged him with harboring an illegal immigrant. Kourani pleaded guilty, served six months in a federal prison and was awaiting deportation in an immigration facility when he was indicted in 2004 on the terror charge.

You can reach David Shepardson at (313) 222-2028 or dshepardson@

Dave is dead on with what he said, Jose is not a real american but a guy for aztlan, we all love him anyway.

boys, lets face facts, the drug dealers/american oligarchies\ business deals both here and foreign ones are using the mexican people and others to take this nation down, and both parties are helping. it will only end in mass imprisonment for all people, so have fun, the next world will be hell.

I hope the boycott goes very well. In fact I hope it goes so well the illegals will extend the boycott for the next 50 years. But please remember to boycott our schools, hospitals and social services.

Jose, I've yet to see a Mexican who will fight one on one. They always have to have their homeboys around otherwise they are pussies.

Bullshit....all you're going to be doing while the boycott and the marches are going on, is be in your moms basement in your underwear watching nascar and drinking budweiser

I have guns do you?, and when the fight starts will you fight for freedom against the rats of the third world order? or will you run away?

I have my targets do you? Long Live The USA", and death to its enemies, get what i mean? our government is helping in the death of this nation for the ideals of the new world order, what will you do? UNDERSTAND ONE FACT DO NOTHING AND DIE AS A NATION, WILL YOU START UP?

Thanks for the information, looks like bad news all around.

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