Wisconsin: Sen. Cathy Stepp's home surrounded by illegal immigration supporters
Posted Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 2:16 pm
That state Senator offers the following letter:
Leaders of a Hispanic activist group known as Voces de la Frontera believe that in America, it is better to storm the home of an elected official and yell in their windows after dark to intimidate someone rather than to run for office to change policy.
On the evening of Friday, December 16th, a group of people advocating the issuing of driversaThat state Senator offers the following letter:Leaders of a Hispanic activist group known as Voces de la Frontera believe that in America, it is better to storm the home of an elected official and yell in their windows after dark to intimidate someone rather than to run for office to change policy.See the many comments, one of which points out that "Voces" has a link to one Al Levie, a teacher at Horlick High School in Racine:
On the evening of Friday, December 16th, a group of people advocating the issuing of drivers’ licenses to non-citizens appeared outside my windows yelling and attempting to intimidate me into voting against Assembly Bill 69......Shortly thereafter, with financial assistance from Voces de la Frontera, Al, his wife Jennifer, Voces de la Frontera leader and longstanding community activist Maria Morales, and seven of the most active students traveled to Washington, D.C. The Center for Community Change organized three days of activities centering on the DREAM Act and Student Adjustment Act. These federal acts would offer undocumented students a pathway to citizenship, in-state tuition for college, and opportunities to apply for federal financial aid. Students trained in lobbying techniques and spent a day lobbying elected representatives.All of this is reminiscent of the "action" against Karl Rove: "Even more on the Karl Rove harassment". That involved a different group, "National Political Action", pulling a similar stunt in support of the same anti-American legislation. And, that involved school teachers as well and might have involved publicly-funded schoolbuses.
They participated in a mock graduation ceremony at the U. S. Capitol and marched to the Department of Education todeliver lettershighlighting the fact that thousands of dreams were being denied because of lack of access to higher education. The Washington Post interviewed Xavier Marquez and Marylu Garcia and featured Xavier's picture on the front page the following day...
UPDATE: The other side responds:This letter is to clarify that it was never the intention of the people who came to Senator Stepp's door to harass or intimidate her. In fact, four people came to her door. They were not yelling at her window; nor were they yelling about AB 69/SB334... Members of Voces de la Frontera were practicing the right of free expression and the right to petition a legislator. Politicians come knocking on our doors all the time, especially before elections. Does that mean we should call the police and threaten to pursue charges? An elected official has a duty to hear from and respond to constituents. The warm invitation for dialogue that was expressed at the public hearing was the basis of our decision to try to speak with Senator Stepp directly...I fervently hope that Stepp pursues charges against these people.
Digger (not verified)
Fri, 12/23/2005 - 06:22
Ridiculous! Just more proof that these illegal aliens are trying to change the way we live in America.