Yes on Proposition 76

The SDUT lays it on the line in "Beyond shameless. Ad attacks on Prop. 76 are utterly dishonest":
...This goes beyond semantic gymnastics to rancid deceit – suggesting that it's Schwarzenegger who's eager to hammer taxpayers, not the Democratic legislators who have proposed dozens of tax hikes over the past two years to pay for their spending binge, and who constantly look for ways around two-thirds requirements to raise taxes. The governor says if Proposition 76 fails, then tax hikes will have to be considered – and this is fired back at him as if his real goal is higher taxes, not constrained spending. Huh?

As this should make plain, so long as it might win votes, there is virtually no argument too deranged or dishonest for the desperate defenders of California's failing status quo. Up is down, black is white, right is wrong. Come Tuesday, don't let the unions get away with this perverse crusade.


for the show.