Now is the time for all FReepers to come to the aid of a beleagured comrade!
Apparently a FReeper is being sued by one Rev. Boise Kimber for assault and battery. This happened all the way back in the Sore-Loserman days. The suit was filed 9 months later, and it's still going on. The FReeper proclaims his innocence and is seeking donations. The circumstances are explained at that last link.
The plaintiff sounds like a real piece of work; articles on him here, here, here, and here. More links at the thread.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, DU commiserates. Sample classy "liberal" comment: "CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER, FREEPER DIRTBAG!" The fact that the FReeper in question appears to have attempted to prevent the Reverend from interfering with the rights of a former CT state senator to speak apparently mean little.
UPDATE: Please make the siren stop!
See also this entry (#699). I think this guy needs a more creative lawyer.