Trump's Alt Right trolls viciously attack those too incompetent to stop Trump

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Donald Trump has a fair number of supporters from the "Alt Right": white nationalists who don't hide what they support. They tend to be nasty people who can't make valid arguments but instead rely on iconography, memes, and so on.

Some of that nastiness is detailed in "The Price I've Paid for Opposing Donald Trump" by David French of National Review [1]. On an ironic note, nothing French or the other victims he names have done to oppose Trump has had any significant impact on Trump's support.

In other words, this is a true Brawndo Battle: those who support a charlatan doing it in a way that makes that charlatan look even worse, and doing it against those who can't figure out how to undercut that charlatan. If the Alt Right were smart they'd do things that would undercut Trump opponents to their supporters rather than help them. If those attacked by the Alt Right were smart, they'd show Trump supporters that he's leading them on.

From the NRO post:

It was the evening of September 17, 2015. I had just posted a short item to the Corner calling out notorious Trump ally Ann Coulter for aping the white-nationalist language and rhetoric of the so-called alt-right. Within minutes, the tweets came flooding in. My youngest daughter is African American, adopted from Ethiopia, and in alt-right circles that's an unforgivable sin... I saw images of my daughter's face in gas chambers, with a smiling Trump in a Nazi uniform preparing to press a button and kill her. I saw her face photo-shopped into images of slaves...

...[later]...Several different accounts began posting images and GIFs of extreme violence in [Nancy French's Patheos blog's] comments section.

...Erick Erickson experienced his own ordeal more than a month before we did. After Erickson dis-invited Trump from his (RedState) gathering, angry Trump supporters showed up at his house. A grown man yelled at his children at a store, condemning their father for opposing Trump...

...In March, writer Bethany Mandel related her own experience. After tweeting about Trump's anti-Semitic followers, she was called "slimy Jewess" and told that she "deserves the oven." It got worse: Not only was the anti-Semitic deluge scary and graphic, it got personal. [Trump fans began to "dox" her]...

...Rick Wilson [was also attacked]... friend Ben Shapiro [has] received a staggering amount of hate: Why Shapiro? Because he represents the worst of all possible anti-Trumpers - he's a Jewish man who turned on the twin pillars of the alt-right, Trump and Shapiro famously resigned from (Breitbart News) when it refused to support reporter Michelle Fields after then–Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski grabbed and pulled Fields in the press scrum at a Trump event. More victims are coming forward. In a painful, vulnerable post, commentator Mickey White writes about how the alt-right came after her and her family, triggering a mental-health crisis...

...I was advised that I was about to be swatted. I contacted my local sheriff and eventually the FBI. As all of this was happening, the people behind these accounts made an ominous threat towards a family member. My sister...

...Politico reporter Kevin Robillard tweeted an excerpt from an interview about my deployment to Iraq, making it seem (wrongly) as if I had prohibited my wife from emailing or speaking with other men while I was downrange: Online Trump world took that tweet and transformed it into a campaign of harassment directed against me and my wife that continues to this day...

...[one] day this month when an angry voice actually broke into a phone conversation between my wife and her elderly father, screaming about Trump and spewing profanities...

[1] nationalreview . com/article/441319/donald-trump-alt-right-internet-abuse-never-trump-movement