Tweets to John Thomas

John Thomas's avatar
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John Thomas
Los Angeles, CA
Political Ad Man & Republican Strategist. Avid CrossFitter & 👍's 🐎. Political Commentator. KFI AM 640's Political Analyst & host's podcast
Tweets to this user:
GRIMM  HORROR's avatar
From @GrimmHorror
The Thomas Guide with John Thomas: John on Fox and Friends First unpacks latest polling @TheThomasGuide ️
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GrimmHorror: @thethomasguide is a swamp thing. He helps market lying pols in the same way shady ad agencies help corrupt companies market lying products.
John Thomas's avatar
From @TheThomasGuide
Great question. I'll get to in the mailbag section. Bernie sure hopes you're wrong.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TaxRehab: you know how pols constantly deceive? Like they use euphemisms, posturing, & language tricks to cover up that they strongly support amnesty & loose borders? Those like @TheThomasGuide are paid to help pols deceive people. Those like him are part of the problem.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MrMokelly: *never* trust fiscal cons. By definition they're venal. @thethomasguide wants to lower taxes & regulations to help the wealthy. He'd enrich those whose anti-American NeoLiberal policies (greed is good/loose borders/free trade/globalism) have led to mass homelessness.
Ethan Bearman, Esq.'s avatar
From @EthanBearman
@TheThomasGuide Awesome ad!!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@EthanBearman: @TheThomasGuide thinks the solution to homelessness is... to lower taxes & regulations. Pause to admire the cheek/chutzpah! Then, be intellectually honest & admit he only wants to enrich the very billionaires who have helped increase homelessness.
John Thomas's avatar
From @TheThomasGuide
Check out our first ad I made for the #ThomasGuide podcast. There's no other show out there covering all the twists…
Karl's avatar
From @KarlGrafxguy
@TheThomasGuide Nice spot. ...but questionable content... you ride the Metro??!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KarlGrafxguy: those like @TheThomasGuide, his pals in the MSM, & his employers & benefactors are the enemy. Politics should be about the best policies winning. Those like John Thomas make it about the best tan winning. Those like him are anathema to good governance.
Bryan Suits KFI AM640's avatar
From @darksecretplace
Elizabeth retreats to her Whine Cave. @TheThomasGuide
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@darksecretplace: you could use the wine cave tale to help undercut Dem leaders to their base on how they'd lower wages; see my latest post. Also, Twitter censors ~50% the replies to Rouhani, see the data linked from my top tweet. If more knew that it'd really hurt them.
Bill Handel's avatar
From @billhandelshow
This week’s segment with @TheThomasGuide takes a local focus, as we discuss a massive failure by @MayorOfLA to help…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@billhandelshow: USA desperately needs *real* debate about policy, not just more horserace. Instead of amoral marketers like @TheThomasGuide, help subject matter experts engage pols in debate to show how they're lying. Putting horserace ahead of policy = Trump gets reelected.