Brian Stelter /NYT lies, spreads disinformation about Lou Dobbs
Earlier today, The Nation released an article that's been taken by most to claim that Lou Dobbs hired illegal aliens, when in fact that claim is unsupported (see the link for the details). The illegal immigration-supporting establishment has been on the warpath, making false claims in order to push their agenda.
And, one of their little helpers is Brian Stelter of the New York Times. He posted two false tweets about The Nation's story and refuses to correct either of them:
An investigation by The Nation finds that Lou Dobbs employed five undocumented immigrants.
(twitter dot com/brianstelter/status/26640812276)
The Nation says Lou Dobbs ducked its questions about his employment of undocumented immigrants. (via @arimelber)
(twitter dot com/brianstelter/status/26643942604)
We now know that even the author of the Nation piece (Isabel MacDonald) admits that she doesn't have any proof that Dobbs "employed" illegal aliens as Stelter claims (see the link above). And, these tweets aren't just a case of Stelter passing along something he hasn't verified. The quote "his employment of undocumented immigrants" is a statement of fact coming from Stelter, and it's not supported by the article or by MacDonald's own statements. Further, there's a great difference between the words "finds" and "claims". If Stelter had simply said that was what they were claiming it would be more of an innocent mistake. As it is, he's implying that he's verified and agrees with their claims (even though he doesn't get what they're actually claiming). He has an especial obligation to correct the record given that he's employed by the New York Times and one of those tweets was repeated by several other people.
Please send him a tweet or an email requesting a correction:
Note also that I've already tweeted two requests with no reply:
twitter . com/24AheadDotCom/status/26679403171
twitter . com/24AheadDotCom/status/26673583824
8/26/14 UPDATE: My current handle is @24AheadDotCom_ . The links above aren't valid anymore.