Unqualified: Meg Whitman doesn't understand how fundamental immigration is
Earlier this week, California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman showed once again that she's not qualified for the job she seeks. Specifically, she expressed to The Politico [1] her dismay at her Republican opponent Steve Poizner raising the issue of immigration and said:
"You haven’t seen an ad from me with the border fence... [2] That has been Steve’s campaign. My campaign has been around jobs and spending and education."
Needless to say, massive/illegal immigration is deeply intertwined with "jobs and spending and education". Low-skilled illegal aliens are driving down wages and taking jobs from low-skilled U.S. citizens in California, at the same time as higher-skilled legal immigrants and workers are driving down wages and taking jobs from higher-skilled U.S. citizens in California. Illegal aliens and their children cause school overcrowding and cause such things as the LAUSD having to get a $14 billion bond to build new schools.
That and many other forms of spending have played a role in driving California to the brink. But, it gets worse: all of the massive/illegal immigration gives even more power to the free-spending far-left in the California legislature. You can't fix California's problems and reduce spending, increase the number of jobs, and raise academic performance without dealing with immigration.
But, instead of dealing with this courageously and forthrightly, Meg Whitman is living in a fantasy world where she can ignore such a vital, fundamental issue.
Related: Tim Kaine also said something like the quote above.
[1] politico.com/news/stories/0510/37893.html
More on that article later.
[2] Needless to say, Politico doesn't mention anything like the above but simply goes for the low-hanging fruit and points out that she does have one ad featuring the fence: peekURL.com/vw4qhft