National Immigration Forum cheers Hilda Solis Labor Secretary pick (America's Voice)
Posted Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:10 pm
The reviews are coming in for the selection of Hilda Solis as new Secretary of the Department of Labor, including with Paco Fabian at Americas Voice - new home of Frank Sharry formerly of the National Immigration Forum (NIF) - saying [1]:
[1] americasvoiceonline . org/blog/entr/ rep_solis_appointment_another_good_sign_for_workers_and_immigration_reform
Not only has Solis been a long-time labor advocate, she has stood firm for immigration policy that makes our nation stronger. She has also been a leader on the issue of immigrant detentions and the ill-conceived Bush administration raids.He then links to a statement from the NIF:
In this time of economic insecurity, it is more important than ever that we have stability in our labor market and the conditions by which workers - immigrant and native-born alike - can stand together to win better wages and better jobs. Restoring the rule of law to our immigration system through comprehensive immigration reform is a key ingredient in defending and extending workers' rights. In nominating a leader as skilled and dedicated as Rep. Solis to this important office, President-elect Obama is sending the clear signal that American workers, regardless of their country of birth, are a valued part of America's future and a top priority for his Administration.-----------
Rep. Hilda Solis has been a key leader for immigrants, workers, and comprehensive immigration reform throughout her career... (together with Janet Napolitano, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Richardson), Rep. Solis is joining a strong team that can work with Congress on behalf of the President to deliver real reform for the American people on the issue of immigration.
[1] americasvoiceonline . org/blog/entr/ rep_solis_appointment_another_good_sign_for_workers_and_immigration_reform
Leave it to Beaner (not verified)
Fri, 12/19/2008 - 22:13
HS 16811 2008-12-20T00:13:18-06:00
What in the hell kind of name is "hilda"? The name alone strikes fear