Mitt Romney's shocking white solidarity ad

The shocking video below is a new ad from Mitt Romney that - quite understandably as you'll see - is only running in parts of the upper Midwest and in the so-called "Polka Belt".

On the video, Irmhild Weltgreifer - a lawyer from Duluth, Minnesota - takes Barack Obama to task for opposing Judge Sonje Untermayer, who Romney has stated he would like to appoint to the US Supreme Court.

In the ad, Weltgreifer is making an obvious appeal to not just solidarity among German-Americans, but whites as a whole.

To underline that point, on the video Weltgreifer only speaks in German. The English name of the video is "Pay the Bill", and here's a transcript in the original German:

Mein Name ist Irmhild Weltgreifer. Ich bin ein Rechtsanwalt, und ich bin Deutscher. Ich möchte mit Ihnen über Supreme Court Justice Sonje Untermayer sprechen. Als Mitt Romney sie nominiert, wir alle gefeiert, Deutsche und Holländer. Aber Barack Obama erklärte seine Opposition gegen Untermayer. Er beleidigt mich, als er erklärte, er würde gegen ihre Nominierung gestimmt haben. Und jetzt will er unsere Stimme für die Präsidentschaft? Mr. Obama, ist die Zeit gekommen, um die Rechnung zu bezahlen.

Here's a translation into English:

My name is Irmhild Weltgreifer. I’m an attorney, and I’m German. I want to talk to you about Supreme Court Justice nominee Sonje Untermayer. When Mitt Romney said he would nominate her, we all celebrated, Germans and Dutch. But Barack Obama said he would oppose Sonje Untermayer. He offended me when he stated he would have voted against her nomination. And now he wants our vote for the presidency? Mr. Obama, the time has come to pay the bill.

If you agree with me that such entirely race-based appeals and such raw tribalism have no role in American politics, I urge you to contact such groups as Media Matters for America, the Southern Poverty Law Center, those in the media, and others. After contacting them, be sure and leave replies you receive (if any) in comments.