Is Michael Brune delusional, or does he think you are? (Sierra Club executive director, immigration)
In the Darren Samuelsohn article previously discussed, Michael Brune - the executive director of the Sierra Club is quoted as saying this about illegal aliens:
"The Sierra Club has thrived because of the ability for our members to engage with the full tools of democracy... Right now, there are 11 million people who don't have the tools, who can't act without fear. They can't vote. They can't engage in the public process. They can't advocate for clean energy without the threat of deportation... Nobody should live under those circumstances."
Is Michael Brune delusional, or does he just think you are?
Illegal aliens who speak out against immigration enforcement have virtually nothing to fear. For an example, see the Jose Vargas page. Illegal aliens have been invited to testify to Congress. In 2010, John McCain pandered to a group of illegal aliens. The common rejoinder is the questionable claim that the Obama administration has deported more illegal aliens than the George W Bush administration. Those deported are rarely activists. The last high profile activist who was deported was Elvira Arellano and that was in 2007. Neither Obama nor Bush have much interest in immigration enforcement but see it only as a means to the comprehensive immigration reform end.
Obviously, illegal aliens - such as Vargas - do "engage in the public process".
See immigration vulnerable for a related discussion: illegal aliens aren't in any way powerless since those with power - such as Brune - are willing to support them over their fellow citizens.
As for Brune's last sentence, he's part of whatever problem he decries. The amnesty he supports would pave the way for a new wave of illegal immigration, eventually resulting in millions more illegal aliens living here. The only way to prevent such a new wave is to enforce our immigration laws through attrition, something that Brune does not support.
Please take a moment and write @bruneski with your thoughts.