Harry Reid: "We're going to do immigration reform just like we did health care reform"; vile Durbin confused about citizenship
Yesterday, yet more marches in support of massive illegal immigration were held across the U.S., with U.S. Sens. Harry Reid appearing at the event in Las Vegas and Dick Durbin at the one in Chicago.
At the one in Vegas, Reid said (link):
"We're going to do immigration reform just like we did health care reform."
One of the things I worry about is that he just might be right. The possible opposition is largely incompetent and is led by those with a loose borders agenda. It isn't difficult to imagine several paper tigers who would initially oppose amnesty caving to a compromise and trying to bring others along with them. One thing you can do is at least try to separate tea parties from their loose borders leaders such as the Koch family, FreedomWorks, and libertarians. Another thing you can do is help discredit incompetent conservative/Republican leaders (broadly defined).
Meanwhile, in Chicago, Durbin said among other things (link, link):
"It is time to say to our government -- stop dividing our families... It is time to say to the voices of hate -- stop dividing America... ...In the name of all who fight for social justice, in the name of the families who go to bed with tears in their eyes facing deportation and separation, in their name, we cannot fail. We must pass immigration reform. We must pass it this year..."
Even if he's just discussing mixed-status families - where some will have the U.S. as "our" government and others will have Mexico or other non-U.S. countries as "our" government - that's more than a bit problematic since the dividing will in most cases be due to people coming here illegally and then having U.S. children. All along that way, they knew exactly what they were doing. They put themselves - and their children - in a precarious position, and now Dick Durbin is trying to pretend that it's "hate" to enforce our perfectly reasonable and necessary immigration laws. If anyone is a "voice of hate" it's Durbin: he's smearing those who simply want to enforce our laws. He also has a curious definition of "social justice", where foreign citizens could come here contrary to our laws and then have some sort of right to citizenship.
Note also that the Chicago event was sponsored by the Mexican government-linked Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.