Is Glenn Reynolds an anti-American extremist who hopes the "entitlement class" riots, or not?
Glenn Reynolds ("Instapundit") excerpts "Arnold Schwarzenegger calls for state welfare to be ended in California" (, article: link). Instead of correctly pointing out that if Arnold and most of the state legislature weren't completely corrupt they'd seek to reduce illegal immigration in order to reduce spending, Reynolds appends an update containing the anti-American, extremist thoughts of a reader:
UPDATE: Reader Dale Russell writes: “When can we expect to see Californians rioting, burning down buildings, etc.? It is time for the entitlement class to hit the streets.” Well, we’ve already seen a bit of that. [note: "bit" links to a previous Reynolds post about student riots at Berkeley:]
It's not unfair to assume that Reynolds agrees with those sentiments since he didn't have to provide that update and could have presented a counter-argument if he wanted to.
Those sentiments are anti-American and extremist, wishing riots on one state just because many of the residents of that state happen to disagree with Reynolds politically. And, one wonders exactly what Reynolds' reader means by the "entitlement class"? Senior citizens? The disabled? Veterans? Blacks? Mexican-Americans? Legal immigrants who've been here for more than five years? I'm extremely reluctant to play the race card, but I don't think someone else playing the race card in this case would be out of bounds.
Or, perhaps by the "entitlement class", Reynolds' reader means the rest of the U.S.: in all years from 1986 to 2005, California sent the federal government more than it received; see the figures here. Needless to say, those figures far outstrip Tennessee.
Further, Reynolds and those in his orbit consistently fail to acknowledge the role that George W Bush - someone that they strongly supported then and still support now - played in California's current situation by allowing large numbers of low-skilled Mexicans and others to enter the U.S. illegally. The current situation should be a lesson for Reynolds and other libertarians that a generous social safety net and open immigration don't work. Instead, Reynolds wishes harm on millions of people.