"Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition" files complaint over "proud racist" councilman; Ann Simmons fails to note material fact
Ann Simmons of the Los Angeles Times offers "Immigrant rights group files complaint against Santa Clarita councilman over 'proud racist' remark" (link):
The Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition has sent letters to state Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown, Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley and the U.S. Department of Justice, alleging that Councilman Bob Kellar “breached the public’s trust and has acted in an unethical, racist, xenophobic and biased manner by making public comments scapegoating so-called illegal immigrants.”
The group also alleges that Kellar violated at least eight provisions of Santa Clarita’s ethics and conduct policy, which requires that municipal leaders be “independent, impartial and accountable to the people they serve.”
...“When a duly elected leader promotes divisive speech, that is essentially hate speech,” said Robert Gittelson, another coalition member.
1. The backstory is here; obviously, the "FRIC" is unable to figure things out or thinks they can find enough doublethinkers. Kellar wasn't promoting "divisive" or "hate" speech; he was trying to point out that enforcing our laws isn't racist.
2. Comprehensive immigration reform would give even more power to far-lefties like Gittleson and others who want to silence those who disagree with them. It's not in the U.S.'s best interests to give more power to people like him.
3. Kellar has apparently received wide support in Santa Clarita, as shown by attendance at a public meeting after his comments and the comments on the LAT's article.
4. Ann Simmons of the LAT fails (for a second time) to note that Robert Gittelson's wife is an immigration lawyer. It's not like he's trying to hide it; the first search result for his name is this, which includes this bio:
Robert Gittelson has been a garment manufacturer in the Los Angeles area for over twenty-five years. His wife, Patricia Gittelson, is an immigration attorney with offices in Van Nuys and Oxnard, California. Robert also works closely with Patricia on the administrative side of her immigration practice. Throughout his career, Mr. Gittelson has developed practical, first-hand experience in dealing with the immigration issues that are challenging our country today.
One would think that his having a financial stake in immigration matters would be a material fact that the LAT should mention.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 02/11/2010 - 03:13
HS 20317 dawes57@cox.net 2010-02-11T05:13:47-06:00
You will see more and more of this BS Because La Raza ( the race ) is making its move for total power inside L.A. CO. It has all the power in the city L.A. Within 10 year only hispanic political people will be in power over all the people it will make racists acts against non hispanic normal place. this is the plan of our enemies and it has worked the only way out of this coming mass murder of our nation is in blood in fact river's of blood. Long live the USA And may god help us all in the coming mass murder time.