Corruptible? Sen. Gillibrand edges closer to immigration "reform", wants to learn more

I haven't even learned how to spell the name of the new senator from New York State Kirsten Gillibrand and she's already slouching towards comprehensive immigration reform, aka an amnesty for illegal aliens. Per the title of [1], she's changed her tone on immigration, telling television channel NY1 (my/Google translation):

Amnesty is not the correct way to solve the problem... I would do differently, I would control immigration, and I would make sure that anyone who wants to work in this country have a way to legally stay here... I will offer solutions to achieve this...

She's playing word games, the same games that many others play. What she's supporting is some form of guest worker program together with "immigration reform", and the latter will be seen as an amnesty by millions of potential illegal aliens.

They quote Democratic NYS senator Malcolm Smith who met with her yesterday:

"We said that we are a community of immigrants and we hope she understands she has to expand her position on immigration. She said she is willing to do that."

Rep. Gregory Meeks was also at the meeting:

"She told us that the only topic of immigration in his district had to do with agriculture. She now understands that the issue of immigration is much larger and wants to learn more about it."

And, to do that, she'll also be meeting with Rep. Nydia Velazquez, chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

Whether Gillibrand will be corrupted and will wind up supporting illegal/massive immigration remains to be seen.



'I would make sure that anyone who wants to work in this country have a way to legally stay here' For those already here or anyone in the world? Sounds like either amnesty or an unlimited guest worker program.