Tweets to Senator Dianne Feinstein

Senator Dianne Feinstein's avatar
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Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator from California. On Facebook at:
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Jonathan Chait's avatar
From @jonathanchait
Trump ordered his aides to harm CNN's parent company, stonewalled the investigation, and is still trying to intimid…
KatyCourt's avatar
From @nyckatyc
@jonathanchait Barr doing Trumps dirty work. Where’s the oversight over DOJ? @SenFeinstein @SenSchumer
4edges's avatar
From @4edges
@nyckatyc @jonathanchait @SenFeinstein @SenSchumer Yes, it’s all up to Congress. The IG for the DOJ is expressly fo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@4edges: Trump going after CNN - & @jonathanchait whining about it - *helps* Trump with his current/future base. Meanwhile, Chait is too dim & too fake to speak directly to MAGA & explain how Trump's signature issue would fail. That'd really undercut Trump but Chait is too weak
AmeriKen 🇺🇸🇺🇸's avatar
From @ken_ameri
RT @OliverMcGee: .@SenFeinstein In 1994, you were very concerned about border control. You said we don't enforce our borders adequately. Wh…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Now in 2018, she almost got Trump to give away the store on amnesty. Why isn't Trump trying to increase the # of Dem base who oppose amnesty? Why's he helping Soros? #MAGA? MT @ken_ameri RT @OliverMcGee: .@SenFeinstein In 1994, you were very concerned about border control
It Matters's avatar
From @Earnest_One
RT @SenFeinstein: In light of Brett Talley’s failure to disclose potential conflicts of interest and online political commentary, I'm deman…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Earnest_One: @SenFeinstein & MSM could stop Talley's nomination if they stressed the fact that he's very pro-amnesty. #MAGA is anti-amnesty, but Feinstein & MSM won't undercut Talley on his most vulnerable issue because the DNC won't let them. #TheResistance
James Mowdy | BSPOKE's avatar
From @JamesJetsOften
.@SenFeinstein why did you vote for Pompeo? Spying. Torture. Your office will receive my phone call tomorrow. @abc7newsbayarea @melissacaen1
James Mowdy | BSPOKE's avatar
From @JamesJetsOften
.@SenFeinstein @abc7newsbayarea @melissacaen1 @IndivisibleTeam @IndivisibleEB will try to make it. #indivisible
Hedwig, geniously stable Owl❄️🌈❄️'s avatar
From @ParisNeully
@JamesJetsOften @SenFeinstein @abc7newsbayarea @melissacaen1 @IndivisibleTeam @IndivisibleEB They received my call today re Sessions too!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ParisNeully: how @IndivisibleTeam will help Trump: #TheResistance doesn't have to be puerile.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
We've got @SenFeinstein, #Canada has @NikiAshton. #teaparty #tcot #CA #CAGOP #tlot #sgp #gop #p2 #topprog #ows #occupy
Michael Barry's avatar
From @MichaelPBarry
@24aheaddotcom As businessman wud like see a non career politician, a businesswoman like @ElizabethEmken debate @SenFeinstein #teaparty #win
Michael Barry's avatar
From @MichaelPBarry
@24aheaddotcom When has @SenFeinstein agreed to debate @Emken2012 ? #teaparty #tcot #GOP
Michael Barry's avatar
From @MichaelPBarry
@24aheaddotcom Agree, amnesty will be a great debate topic between @SenFeinstein and Emken2012 | Oh Wait | #teaparty #tcot #GOP
MJ's avatar
From @Cotsenmoyer
I'm a liar? That's a hell of a charge-On what grounds? @24AheadDotCom @LeslieDArcy @SenFeinstein @rixshep @corockymtns @Emken2012
Leslie R D'Arcy's avatar
From @LeslieDArcy
@24AheadDotCom @Cotsenmoyer @rixshep @corockymtns @SenFeinstein @Emken2012 what is so strong about Feinstein's immigration policies?
