Special Order 40 hearing this week
Posted Mon, Sep 18, 2006 at 3:40 am
From this:
Special Order 40 video
Legal details on local police being involved in immigration laws
Special Order 40: "Jack Dunphy", Daryl Gates, Mike Carona, Police Commission
Special Order 40 allows felony arrests
9/21 UPDATE: According to this, Superior Court judge Rolf Treu allowed four "immigrant-rights groups" to join the suit as defendants: Break the Cycle, Los Jornaleros, El Comite de Jornaleros, and El Instituto de Educacion Popular del Sur de California.
This is despite this:
From the Green Party of Sonoma County's May 1 calendar:
A court hearing is scheduled this coming week for arguments in what could be one of the biggest decisions ever in the United States' battle over the integrity of its borders.Their July press release on the ruling that allowed them to proceed with the case is here.
...The legal action seeks "to force the Los Angeles Police Department to drop its politically-correct 'sanctuary' policy [Special Order 40] and resume enforcing our nation's laws against illegal immigration," Judicial Watch said...
Special Order 40 video
Legal details on local police being involved in immigration laws
Special Order 40: "Jack Dunphy", Daryl Gates, Mike Carona, Police Commission
Special Order 40 allows felony arrests
9/21 UPDATE: According to this, Superior Court judge Rolf Treu allowed four "immigrant-rights groups" to join the suit as defendants: Break the Cycle, Los Jornaleros, El Comite de Jornaleros, and El Instituto de Educacion Popular del Sur de California.
This is despite this:
The ACLU is representing Break the Cycle, Los Jornaleros, El Comite de Jornaleros, and El Instituto de Educacion Popular del Sur de California. These organizations have admitted, according to Judicial Watch's court filing, "that they provide some form of assistance to undocumented aliens and that their members include undocumented aliens who fear discovery of their illegal immigration status." As such, Judicial Watch argues, the ACLU clients "possess neither a statutory right to intervene nor the type of interest...at issue in this lawsuit that would satisfy the requirements of mandatory intervention under" California law.From the other side: www.aclu-sc.org/News/Releases/2006/102015/
From the Green Party of Sonoma County's May 1 calendar:
The Coalition for Immigrant Rights of Sonoma County invites you and your family to join us in this Economic Action! Legalization for all Respect and Dignity for Immigrants Power of the Immigrant as an Economic Force. In Solidarity, the Coalition: United Farmworkers (UFW), Instituto Sanchez-Mendoza, MEChA, and el ComitAS de Jornaleros. We Fight for Comprehensive Immigration Reform: For more information please call: (707) 528-3039 and/or (707) 318-2818 El Gran Paro Americano 2006 NO HR4437 El Gran Paro Americano 2006. Endorsed by the GPSC.More on them here: tinyurl.com/hzkq6
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 09/18/2006 - 05:08
is this a joke? the special order 40 sounds good but with that city( L.A. ) being ran by some mexican drug dealer who is taking orders from mexico city it will never fly.
the system has set us all up for the death of our human and civil rights, the so called integity of our borders is a running joke around the world, our rights as human beings is as dead as dead can-be, do you know what the north american union guys are doing today? the next special order called 41 will be about picking up American ( READ FORMER USA CITIZENS ) who talk-out against mexican and the global pigs who run the system and its drug dealers inside that system.
the system wants one thing the USA Inside some third world history book.