What would Osama do?
Posted Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 1:43 pm
"Maybe we should stop and think for a minute. We want to be a good neighbor to the world. We want people to love us. We need to change. We need to stop and ask, 'What would Osama do?'"
OK, so that's not an exact quote from Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash), but, as others have pointed out, it's close.
BTW, this part is correct:
"We've got to ask, why is this man (Osama bin Laden) so popular around the world?," said Murray, who faces re-election in 2004. "Why are people so supportive of him in many countries … that are riddled with poverty?
Maybe the warbloggers could come up with a (non-military) solution to lessening Osama's hold.
UPDATE: Apparently Osama agrees with Patti, and thanks her for her support.
john (not verified)
Tue, 11/30/2004 - 19:02
Erase my shit will you.. Fuck you FCC.. I know you fucking hear me.. Sure this sounds stupid but atleast you don't have time to erase it....
john (not verified)
Tue, 11/30/2004 - 19:01
Erase my shit will you.. Fuck you FCC.. I know you fucking hear me.. Sure this sounds stupid but atleast you don't have time to erase it....
john (not verified)
Tue, 11/30/2004 - 19:01
Erase my shit will you.. Fuck you FCC.. I know you fucking hear me.. Sure this sounds stupid but atleast you don't have time to erase it....
Gus O. Kahan (not verified)
Thu, 02/27/2003 - 10:53
W.W.O.D. / W.W.J.D. / G.O.K.
Like Christ, Omama is driven by the same demons drilling, their shouts and murmurs, into his skull. And, Like Jesus, I don't believe any amount of counseling will help. "It is accomplished." The Irony of Jesus tipping over the tables of the money changers and Osama tipping over the towers of trade are, both missions of the with vision, passion and selflessness: Ted Kaczynski, Jim Jones, Timothy, McVay and John Hinkley -- and let's not forget John Brown, Ken Star and Jerry Fallwell. All are serving a higher power; their efficiencies and means are rather varied but authentic to the genetic white noise emanating from our vestigial tails, a metaphor for the ambiguity of our existence.
one guess, the acronym GOK means what?
Gus O. Kahan
Gus O. Kahan (not verified)
Thu, 02/27/2003 - 10:48
Like Christ, Omama is driven by the same demons drilling, their shouts and murmurs, into his skull. And, Like Jesus, I don't believe any amount of counseling will help. "It is accomplished." The Irony of Jesus tipping over the tables of the money changers and Osama tipping over the towers of trade are, both missions of the with vision, passion and selflessness: Ted Kaczynski, Jim Jones, Timothy, McVay and John Hinkley -- and let's not forget John Brown, Ken Star and Jerry Fallwell. All are serving a higher power; their efficiencies and means are rather varied but authentic to the genetic white noise emanating from our vestigial tails, a metaphor for the ambiguity of our existence.
one guess, the acronym GOK means what?
Gus O. Kahan