Blagojevich-linked group agitating illegal aliens, calls for general strike

A group of illegal aliens and supporters of illegal immigration are planning a large march in Chicago on Friday, March 10:

That page explains that they want to legalize "undocumented immigrants". They also want Illinois to be a "SANCTUARY" for "all immigrants". And, they're calling for a "National GENERAL STRIKE".

So, citizens of other countries who are here illegally are marching for rights to which they aren't entitled, and making demands. If those demands are met, isn't that the equivalent of surrender?

The page above lists the "Sponsoring Organizations":
Alivio Medical Center, Calor, Casa Aztlan, Casa Michoacan (FEDECMI), Centro Sin Fronteras, Centro Romero, Congreso Político De Mexicanos en el Exterior, ConfeMex, Durango Unido en Chicago, Enlaces América, Familia Latina Unida, Fed. Chihuahua, Fed. Guerrerense, Fed. Hidalguenses, ICIRR, I.M.E,, I.P.L.,Latinos Progresando, L.O.S., M.C,N, NALACC, Nahui Ollin Danza Azteca , Organización del Distrito Federal, Pilsen Neighbors, R.P.D. de Guatemala, Resurrection Project, UNIRR, UIC-ISO, Unión Latina, Universidad Popular.
"UIC-ISO" appears to be the International Socialist Organization of the University of Illinois Chicago. Some of the others are Mexican "hometown clubs", and some of those might have links to the Mexican government.

But, it gets worse. One of those groups is the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights ( Currently their front page contains the following:
Come join immigrants from all over the nation in a historic march this Friday, March 10th at 12 noon! We need to send a message to the nation that:
- we need to pass the DREAM Act for undocumented students and lay down a path to citizenship for their parents
- we must reunite families that have been separated by our broken immigration laws
- we have to unite as a nation and say no to anti-immigrant racism and backwards legislation like H.R. 4437, the Hastert/Sensenbrenner bill
- those of us who are eligibile to be citizens will apply for citizenship, those of us who are eligible to vote will vote to be heard
Today we March, Tomorrow we Vote!
We salute the Mexican Homeland Federation for their leadership in organizing this march and encourage immigrants of all nationalities to join us with one voice.
It's now or never! We need compassion not racism! Diplomas not death!
Unfortunately, ICIRR is a powerful group, and they were even named to an immigration issues board by IL gov Rod Blagojevich, a Democrat.

So, Illinois' gov is linked to a group that's agitating citizens of other countries who are here illegally, and they're linked to a socialist organization and various Mexican clubs, all of whom are calling for a general strike.

Until such time as Blago renounces ICIRR and this march or the Democratic Party renounces Blago, I don't think it's unfair to portray the Democratic Party as supporting the march.


Another nice thing about our enemies is the way they hoist themselves by their own petard. Consider Juanita Rodriguez remarks:

One of the wonderful things about our enemies is that their real agenda slips through in their own words. Consider John Kennedy

Thank God For America!
I respect each and every opinion, but now, respect mine. I was in this country illegally at one time, and YES I paid a coyote, and I still went to this MARCH. So Mr. Perfect Flynn, before you act all high and mighty learn to spell your words. So, If I may say so, this is my Country, and I marched. Happy now, little man? Oh, by the way we thank your dad for fighting for your freedom, but my brother and uncles are fighting now in the war. I'm sure your family sneeked into this country too, unless you are an American Indian, which I'm sure you are not. So, before you speak, let's think a little bit and inform ourselves what this March was for. It was to stop the HR4437 proposal. I wasn't planning on attending, but instead I decided to look up this proposal to see what it meant. I INFORMED myself before making any stupid remarks. As an american citizen I don't like to hear proposals that go against our constitution and this proposal does. So with all due respect Mr. Flynn READ and maybe you'll learn something. Thumbs up for Mayor Dayley and Mr. Blajoyevich who attended as well. If anything they know that in order to be in Government offices you have to hear out all the people. I LOVE THE USA. GOD BLESS AMERICA...

If your in the USA illigally-You have no rights.
My father fought in the war for my freedom,your father payed a COYOTTE to sneek your family in our country!!

Go back to your country and MARCH !!!

Hey I got an idea, why dont you go back to europe or where ever you came from with your whole family and stay over there? That way you wont have to deal with U.S immigration, besides your great grand parents migrated hear without papers. and I hope friday minorities will make a big impact and shove it in your face

I feel that people are being stupid if i may say, at seeing immigrants as criminals. I am sure if your families were starving to death infront of your eyes, you would just sit there and watch them die, cause its illegal to go wash dishes and cut the lawn and clean peoples garbage in the U.S. Well lets see who is gonna pick-up the crops in California when its 110 degrees for 5 dollars an hour. Remember its not always about me me me, we have to give a hand out once in a while

Illegal immigrants are completely shameless and have become increasingly brazen about making their "demands" for benefits/privileges of citizenship and residency which they in no way, have earned. Their brazen and shameless demands are insulting to millions of LEGAL immigrants who played by the rules and never gave a thought to "making it" here through the use of fraud, cheating, stealing, and an unending sense of entitlement and lack of personal responsibility.
They look as foolish as they sound. Americans and law-abiding legal immigrants can only shake our heads in disgust. However, we have the power to vote and call our Senators and demand that they put the interests of U.S. citizens above those of illegal immigrants and the profiteers of illegal immigration.

Hey Wacko!

We'll be down there Friday covering this travesty, I'll send you pix and reportage as soon as we get back, assuming we get back :)