Mayor Mike Bloomberg supports illegal immigration... again!

New York City's mayor says illegal aliens don't cost the state money. Perhaps he'd be willing to put his money where his mouth is: let's do a complete accounting, and give or take from Bloomberg the costs. Of course, there are major non-economic costs, and some of those - like giving a foreign power increased political power inside our country - are a bit hard to put a dollar figure on.

While we're waiting, perhaps he should produce the studies:
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Friday that illegal immigration doesn't drive up costs for New York City taxpayers because illegals don't utilize the services that are available to them.

Challenged by a caller who complained during Bloomberg's weekly WABC Radio show that illegal immigration had caused health care costs to spiral out of control, the mayor cited unnamed studies that he said prove the charge simply isn't true...
He also show he knows his canards:
...Bloomberg said illegal immigrants were an essential part of the U.S. economy, saying: "All the jobs that they do - who would fill those jobs? Nobody else is willing to do it."

Besides, he added, "We're not going to go deport 12-plus million undocumenteds."

Instead, [he] proposed an amnesty program for those illegals already here, telling WABC: "Let's give them - let's get control of the borders and give those that are here a card where they don't have to worry. And if they want to become citizens, that's great."
Corrupt or just an idiot? You decide.

Previously: "Mayor Bloomberg has betrayed all the legal residents of New York City", "Mayor Mike fully supports illegal immigration" and "New York City blacks have a friend in Mayor Mike Bloomberg". From the not-completely-idiotic side comes: Bloomberg opposes non-citizen voting for New Yorkers and "NYT, Bloomberg against non-citizen voting".


The statement that illegal aliens take jobs Americans won't do is a myth. I worked my way through a couple of years of high school and college working as a landscaper and as a mason's laborer (hodcarrier). I was thrilled to have these jobs. But today they would be filled by illegal aliens and wouldn't be open to me.

That illegal aliens contribute to the economy is a myth. Go to any school or any hospital emergency room and you will see the free social services. Same for the myriad of welfare services. Don't forget the costs of prisons, crime, and depressed wages affecting American workers.

That they are just poor workers is a myth, they are also smugglers. On average about a pound of drugs come across our southern border for each illegal alien that crosses. They caught a million illegals last year and 2 to 4 million got through. You do the math on the amount of drugs smuggled across our southern border.

An open borders/mass amnesty policy is not humanitarian. Great harm is done to citizens of the USA and great harm is done to Mexicans. The corrupt Mexican government does not have to provide services to its people if they can make us do it for them. Thus, they will never reform and this is bad for Mexicans. They will never gain freedom, prosperity, etc. as long as we prop up a corrupt narco-government.

Finally, an open border is an open invitation to terrorists. King George didn't like the Minutemen either.

"illegal aliens don't cost the state money"

It is important NOT to allow the discussion about immigration, legal and (especially) illegal, to be reduced solely to a question about economics; there are many aspects to it, some of them, IMO, much more important than any economic benefits or costs illegals may bring.

I'd be happy if law enforcement would just enforce the law once they settle down here! I see people walking by my house in broad daylight with stolen shopping carts, and the police say, well, they don't think it's a crime. I'm sure a ticket or two and some charity donating hand carts would solve the "problem."

But hey, they're just stealing shopping carts Americans don't want to steal.

Instead, [he] proposed an amnesty program for those illegals already here, telling WABC: "Let's give them - let's get control of the borders and give those that are here a card where they don't have to worry. And if they want to become citizens, that's great."

That is exactly what we did in the amnesty of 1986 when we had 3-4 milion illegal aliens to worry about. Now 20 years later it is 11-20+ million.

"Corrupt or just an idiot?"

Why not both?