Obama proud of "walking the walk" on supporting illegal immigration

Some senators just talk the talk on being supporters of massive illegal activity. Senator Barack Obama walks the walk and he's not afraid to point that out. Speaking at the convention of the extremist-funding National Council of La Raza yesterday, he said:

"Find out how many senators appeared before an immigration rally last year. Who was talking the talk, and who walked the walk โ€” because I walked [in the May 1, 2006 rally]...I didn't run away from the issue, and I didn't just talk about it in front of Latino audiences... [the recent 'debate' over the Senate bill] was both ugly and racist in a way we haven't see since the struggle for civil rights."

Now, here's a minor problem for B. Hussein Obama: the rally he marched in was organized by people linked to the Mexican government and Mexican political parties. Extensive documentation at the link, and a question that I strongly urge everyone to try to publicly ask Obama here.

Should U.S. Senators really be marching in rallies organized by those linked to foreign governments? Is Obama confused about which country signs his paychecks?

He also promised that if he were elected president he'd make sure and pass immigration "reform" during his first term. He also reiterated his support for the anti-American DREAM Act.


Sadly the leaders in the polls for president on both sides quite frankly suck. They're complete traitors on immigration. This once-great country is continuing its long spiral into a black hole.

Obama's words are tailored to fit his audience. That is, if he can remember what he is supposed to say. Take a look at the re-runs or out-takes from the 07/23 CNN/UTUBE debate and count how many times he didn't know what to say or he faltered on his words. If you notice, I am sorry to say, Hillary did not, she was direct and right on the question. Obama is an empty shirt! RWD

I agree with RWD. Obama is an empty shirt and suit as well! I regard Hilary as a bad choice for the democratic presidential nomination, but this guy is worse! And to any liberal minded folk out there who may read this, I oppose Obama for his politics (ESPECIALLY HIS HORRIBLE STAND ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION), NOT HIS RACE.