Instapundit makes a shocking confession

Instapundit linked to me a few times for my coverage of the "peace" protests, but his last link was to this October 5, 2003 entry. He subsequently ignored my entreaties to meet him while passing through Knoxville. It's been all downhill from there, including me calling him sleazy, pointing out his failure to point out John McCain lying to him in a telephone interview, helping to drive his then-designated point man on immigration coverage - Marc Cooper - over the edge, making my enemies list, and so on.

Now comes this parody. Click for the legible version:

instapundit glenn reynolds


Look guys old John (hate the USA) McCain really only wants one thing? the Mexico City kind of government here! he talk's about his friends in mexico city who now have 20 percent of it race waepon Population here to do evil work for the masters of the third world ideals, McCain is not a American but is on Record and in testimony after testimony as being a friend of our enemeis, he wants the REPLACMANT OF THE AMERICAN POPULATION OF ALL RACES TO BECOME ONE RACE, LITTLE BROWN BOYS. With the master at the top who will be WHITE, LIKE IN MEXICO CITY.