"Slaying suspect once found sanctuary in [San Francisco]"
Posted Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 3:35 pm
From this:
The man charged with killing a father and two sons on a San Francisco street last month was one of the youths who benefited from the city's long-standing practice of shielding illegal immigrant juveniles who committed felonies from possible deportation, The Chronicle has learned...
Feds probing San Francisco's sanctuary city policy; city-paid flights for drug dealers
San Francisco's IDs for illegal aliens plan may spread to East Bay
San Francisco: ID cards for illegal aliens (Tom Ammiano, Gavin Newsom, banks)
llamajockey (not verified)
Mon, 07/21/2008 - 04:25
HS 15115 cvlamantia@comcast.net 2008-07-21T06:25:58-05:00
God I hate to say this. But the next time one of these needless tragidies happen I hope it involves a rich connected drop dead beautiful white young blonde so the national MSM will pay attention.
eh (not verified)
Mon, 07/21/2008 - 05:40
HS 15116 e10k@hotmail.com 2008-07-21T07:40:10-05:00
_...drop dead beautiful white young blonde so the national MSM will pay attention._ It wouldn't matter; look how fast the MSM dropped the Eve Carson story (although she was not killed by illegals) -- I know people who've never heard of her. I find it interesting that the SFC, a suck-up diversity rag that spends literally millions of words per year pumping gay marriage etc, actually does a fair amount of muckraking. But let's see where this leads and if any heads roll.
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 07/21/2008 - 10:39
HS 15117 2008-07-21T12:39:37-05:00
You mean there are consequences to coddling repeat criminal offenders? Waaahhhh, I want to stay here in my immigration utopia dreamland where I can feel so good about myself. Can't wait to hear what Geraldo will say...'This has NOTHING to do with illegal immigration'. Hey, if Bugliosi can make a case against Bush for murder, how about one against those in SF who took immigration law into their own hands. Those hands have blood on them.
llamajockey (not verified)
Mon, 07/21/2008 - 12:03
HS 15118 cvlamantia@comcast.net 2008-07-21T14:03:21-05:00
Will this hurt young Gavin Newsom's chance to speak at the Democratic convention next month in Denver? I doubt it. I hear because the DNC intends to showcase Tony Villar, Newsom is demanding equal time from Pelosi because they both plan on running for CA governor in 2010. Remember Obama, Pelosi and Dean changed the Convention format inorder to better celebrate "immigrants" legal or otherwise and provide a opportunity for Uncle Teddy to harrangue the party on "CIR" one more time before he is forced off the stage by mortality.
eh (not verified)
Mon, 07/21/2008 - 16:05
HS 15119 e10k@hotmail.com 2008-07-21T18:05:46-05:00
_Will this hurt young Gavin Newsom's chance to speak at the Democratic convention next month in Denver?_ After he admitted to fucking his friend\'s/campaign manager\'s wife [1] -- not to mention all the gay marriage pandering -- they'd have to be crazy to put him up there. But the Democrats are so damn stupid they just might still do it.
[1] www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/01/31/BAGM3NSFGQ7.DTL
mary (not verified)
Mon, 07/21/2008 - 17:01
HS 15120 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2008-07-21T19:01:20-05:0
I never thought I would pray for an earthquake to send CAlifornia into the sea.............
Hal K (not verified)
Mon, 07/21/2008 - 18:55
HS 15121 hal_k3@yahoo.com 2008-07-21T20:55:20-05:00
llamajockey: There have been plenty of cases where such women have been victims and no one has paid attention. Your comment was very PC. Why don't you pick some other group for cannon fodder?
llamajockey (not verified)
Tue, 07/22/2008 - 04:50
HS 15122 cvlamantia@comcast.net 2008-07-22T06:50:40-05:00
Hal K, Please name a case where some politician's, CEO or media mogul's relative was brutally killed by an illegal with a long rap sheet who was given the kid gloves treatment by sanctuary policies. It is exactly because the rich and priviledged are largely unaffected that this sh*t happens. Just like in 1988 at the near heights of the crack epidemic the urban elites could not see how Dukakis could lose. These folks could afford to take a taxi instead of walking a few blocks or use public transportation. Everybody else was sick and disgusted from being accosted by junkies and crackheads for loose change if they were not worried about getting mugged or killed. Twenty years ago almost every urban public transit system was near bankruptcy due to loss of ridership. Only when Obama loses in a landslide to an otherwise completely lame McCain will some idiots in the Democratic party wake up.
Hal K (not verified)
Tue, 07/22/2008 - 15:22
HS 15123 hal_k3@yahoo.com 2008-07-22T17:22:50-05:00
llamajockey, You left out "beautiful white young blonde." There was a young and reasonably successful actress in New York who was murdered by an illegal immigrant within the last couple years. I don't think that got much more attention in the national media than the current story (which is being talked about at a number of blogs). We all know that rich people insulate themselves and their offspring from the negative effects of mass immigration. It is your wish to see harm come to young blonde women in particular that I object to.
llamajockey (not verified)
Tue, 07/22/2008 - 19:11
HS 15124 cvlamantia@comcast.net 2008-07-22T21:11:28-05:00
Hal K, A life is a life. And is that case one life is still better than three, four or a hundred more. My point is until you have a symbolic case that captures 24/7 media attention will the MSM take notice. Only then will it be pointed out that this sort of thing has been going on for years. The case you are thinking of was the talented yet obscure indie film actress turned writer/director/producer Adrienne Shelly. http://www.vdare.com/horowitz/070711_shelly.htm She was nominated for a 2007 best original screenplay academy award for the movie Waitress which was an indie film success. Shelly had been dead for 6 months by the time her film got major distribution. While suffering a gruesome death, unfortunately MS. Shelly was over forty and her assailant had no previous criminal history. Not the quite the tabloid headline grabber.
Hal K (not verified)
Tue, 07/22/2008 - 20:11
HS 15125 hal_k3@yahoo.com 2008-07-22T22:11:49-05:00
She was exactly 40 years old. Look at her Wikipedia article. She had been in a number of movies and TV show episodes. The SF story has been covered nationally by Fox News by the way: http://www.immigrationwatchdog.com/?p=6997 You have not answered my main objection to your comment and instead are splitting hairs. Look at how much attention the story from New Jersey got where the victims were black. A life is a life? No kidding. If the victim did happen to be young and blond you would probably be griping about how it was only getting attention because the victim was young and blond.
Mary (not verified)
Tue, 07/22/2008 - 23:20
HS 15126 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2008-07-23T01:20:15-05:0
These people are all collateral damage to Bush and his elitist friends who think their own greedy plans are worthy of OUR sacrifice.
llamajockey (not verified)
Wed, 07/23/2008 - 06:18
HS 15127 cvlamantia@comcast.net 2008-07-23T08:18:30-05:00
Hal K, No Hal, I will make clear my point is this. Until the Lindberg baby kidnapping case, kidnapping and extorsion were not considered Federal crimes yet were becoming increasingly common in the period just prior to the tragidy. It took the tabloid sensation of the Lindberg case to raise kidnapping to the level of a Federal offense as it should have been all along. Likewise bankrobbery was not a federal offense and before the FBI had jurisdiction it was becoming increasingly common. It took the sensational tabloid exploits of Bonnie and Clyde and Dilinger to put an end to that. Clearly the outrage of allowing San Francisco to decide how it will handle illegal alien criminal suspects and repeat offenders in direct disregard of Federal statutes has to end. I am just cynical enough believe that if history has anything to teach us the turning point in this realitization will involve a case that in one dimension or another ranks as a truly historical tabloid sensation. The case of MS. Shelly came close but the MSM was still able to ignore it.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 07/23/2008 - 12:13
HS 15128 Dawes57@cox.net 2008-07-23T14:13:19-05:00
God help us all, Mary is right.
mary (not verified)
Wed, 07/23/2008 - 15:01
HS 15129 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2008-07-23T17:01:42-05:0
Imagine ...here we have OUTRAGE against Michael Savage over words he spoke..............and yet Americans remain silent about the carnage these Illegals are commtting in our own backyards. People are idiots...Like Glen Beck often says when are they gonna get the pitchforks and torches and descend on the corrupt Capitol?? How long do we have to wait for these people to wake up? Is it already too late? As the press genuflects to the Messiah Obama (whose policies will worsen the situation) Americans drool over the guy. His arrogance and stupidity makes me retch...WAKE UP FOOLS....You are on the way out!
llamajockey (not verified)
Wed, 07/23/2008 - 16:54
HS 15130 cvlamantia@comcast.net 2008-07-23T18:54:45-05:00
mary, In 1988 the media elites could not imagine how Michael Dukakis could lose the election. Remember the famous Jon Lovitz line from the SNL Presidential Debate sketch? "I can not believe I am losing to this guy?" The mid-eighties crime violent crime wave and crack epidemic did not affect their neighborhoods or way of life of the Media elites. Likewise they could not see what the big deal with Willie Horton was about other than sheer racism. It was not until years later when Rudy beat Dinkins and Coumo lost to Pataki in NY that lots of Media elites realized that urban liberals who were soft on law and order issues were sure losers even in the most Democratic states and cities. Obama is another Dukakis but on a larger scale, combined with the baggage of lots of left loony followers like McGovern had that only serve to scare the crap out of middle America. That said McCain is still running a very weak campaign, yet the race for now is a dead heat. If McCain is able to raise his game to anything close to that of GHWB in 1988 he will beat Obama easily.
Mary (not verified)
Thu, 07/24/2008 - 01:04
HS 15131 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2008-07-24T03:04:52-05:0
Even if McCain wins we are screwed..He is just another liberal......a little better than his highness but still a loser! PS llamajockey are you from MA? Dukakis was and is a loser...as is Deval Patrick. Someone said today on talk radio that Obama is Deval on steroids. I agree. I read today that MA now leads the country in food stamps..Thanks Deval!!!!
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 07/24/2008 - 01:08
HS 15132 Dawes57@cox.net 2008-07-24T03:08:41-05:00
Mary it is way too Late we as a people did not stand up 30 years ago and say no to insane government we just stood for the evil acts against other Americans and did nothing and pitchforks and torches will be used but against American for race reason's, people like the jews of 1933 will hope for the best and hope the gang member will not come for that person but the end game is now being played and its real dark in this new world alley, but maybe the after life will have justice who knows? Listen to Savage Nation some light coming from him. and have fun the dark days are coming but life is still good for now.