Boston Globe's Yvonne Abraham makes fun of Minuteman Project

That reporter offers a hit piece entitled "Volunteers get cold reception in Vermont". The overall attempt of the article seems to be to mock the MMP and make them look like fools. However, as we'll see later, the joke appears to be on the Globe. From the article:

It's hard to save the United States from illegal immigrants when you can't find the border... [...they got "forced out of" one town...] So the volunteers set off to watch a stretch of border on a bike path that runs along Lake Memphremagog... Only they got lost...

Ha ha! Those dumb fools! Look at them, the dumb fools!

But, back to the circumstances for them leaving the first town they went to:

But these Minutemen were forced out of town by a larger crowd of protesters, who denounced their opposition to illegal immigration as a front for racism.

Why, you might ask, is the Boston Globe supporting a mob forcing people out of a town?


"They are outsiders, and we don't want them here," said David Van Deusen of Moretown, Vt., who helped to organize the protest. "We don't want their racist policies in Vermont."

Oddly enough, the Globe doesn't tell us more about van Deusen. Did their reporter or an editor bother to find out more about him? Did the Globe bother to find out that he's a frequent contributor to the North Eastern Federation of Anarchist Communists (

Really now. Why is a supposedly reputable newspaper supporting the side of anarchists-communists? Is there something they need to tell their readers? If they're going to repeat the racism charge, shouldn't they also disclose that the person making the charge appears to be an anarchist-communist? Is van Deusen basically just a sock puppet for the Boston Globe?

Let's write to ombud *at* and ask them to clarify their position. Is the Boston Globe an anarchist newspaper, or a commie rag? Or, a little bit of both?

Or, is the Boston Globe just a supporter of those corrupt politicians and businesses that profit off illegal immigration?


This is incoherent nonsense.

Is there a point here, or are you too busy checking for commies under the bed?

In one sense it's absurd to automatically equate opposition to illegal immigration with "racism". Unless of course you hope to scare middle class whites, i.e. the average person in Vermont, into remaining silent while their country is demographically destroyed -- for that purpose, it works quite well.

However, as I've said before, there is a racial/ethnic angle to what's happening in/to America today related to immigration, both legal and illegal. And it is best to confront this straight on, and say/admit that one purpose of controlling illegal immigration, and limiting legal immigration as well, is to preserve America as a majority white nation. Which is worth doing, assuming you believe that. This is nothing to be ashamed of.