Jennifer Delson/LAT gushes over departing Orange County Mexican consul (Haro; MC cards)

Luis Miguel Ortiz Haro - Mexican consul for Orange County, CA - is being reassigned, apparently as part of the Mexican government's normal process of shifting their agents around. Jennifer Delson of the Los Angeles Times says bye-bye in her own special, pro-Mexico way (link). And, oddly enough, she discusses the identity cards that that country passes out, glossing over the fact that they do so to assist illegal immigration. First, the tears:

He ran his Santa Ana office in the style of a populist Latin American patriarch, peppering his conversations with popular idioms and spending countless hours on the problems of immigrants, which fell beyond the formal scope of his job... Leaders of community organizations have streamed into his office to bemoan his departure. Employees held back tears...

Don't worry: there's more at the link (although it doesn't rise to the gush-o-meter busting level of Yvette Cabrera). Then, the part where she doesn't tell their readers the whole truth:

During his tenure, the Santa Ana office increased the number of Mexican identification cards issued. Ortiz Haro recently said that his consulate issued more of the cards, known as matriculas consulares, than any other consulate in the U.S., with the exception of Los Angeles and Chicago.

She doesn't describe that the Mexican government passes out those cards so that illegal aliens can open bank accounts and even obtain driver's licenses in some states. Nor does she go into the fact that due to massive immigration from Mexico that government has been able to obtain a great deal of political power inside the U.S.

In a way, it's like someone writing a glowing article about a union boss that most people realize works for a crooked organization. I wonder whether if we looked back we could find that these types of articles are part of a decades-long pattern of deception by the Los Angeles Times.


Delson should have just written the article in Spanish -- it might have done something to prop up the LAT's ever-shrinking readership levels. The actual tax-paying citizens in this town no longer bother to subscribe to (or read) a paper that is so far removed from the reality of their everyday lives.

The enemy is in front of you so what do we do as a people.RUN-A-WAY, The system is totally mad. but also understand one fact all of this money being sent to mexico and other drug dealer hispanic Nation's is helping to laundered billions of dollars in drug money this help's people inside our own government and makes mexicanUS banks look legal and its helping the little brown brothers who are racists look good in the eyes of the other little people of the world who the pigs rule. In fact she is only one of many who help in the total dismantling of this nation. AND YES ITS ABOUT The evil and Crooked boss's all over the world who are now working inside USA.

'Ortiz Haro recently said that his consulate issued more of the cards, known as matriculas consulares, than any other consulate in the U.S., with the exception of Los Angeles and Chicago.' Yeah, I guess that is a good thing in the eyes of his government. But why is a U.S. reporter celebrating what is essentially a numerical indicator of failure of her country to enforce its law?

They celebrate financiers and media moguls and big-shot "developers" too. Counterfeiting, rape, and murder gets you sent to prison. But if your crime is on a really big scale, with profits and losses distributed across many people, you're lauded as a hero. Fred's right. Our elites are completely rotten. And they're leading all of us straight to hell.

This clown resides a half mile from my residence, and I am glad to see him go. Notice he is caucasian, presiding over his mestizo paisanos. This true to mexican politics: a white elitist minority governing the colored people, otherwise known as apartheid, mexican style.

Santa Ana,Ca. hasn't been part of the USA for about the last 10 years. It's one of the many Mexicanized/Balkanized cities in California where the U.S. Rule of Law does not apply and provides its anchor baby school kids with history books supplied by Mexico that say the USA stole the southwest from Mexico!