72% oppose Spitzer driver's licenses for illegal aliens; lowest rating ever

From this:

Seventy-two percent of New York voters who have read or heard about the [New York governor Eliot Spitzer's] proposal to allow undocumented aliens to obtain New York driver's licenses oppose the Governor's plan, while only 22 percent support it, according to a new Siena (College) Research Institute poll of registered voters released today. The Siena New York poll also shows that Eliot Spitzer’s job performance rating is lower than it has ever been, with a majority of voters saying he's doing a fair or poor job. If the 2010 gubernatorial race were held today, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, running as a Republican, would beat Democrat Spitzer 50-37 percent...


Well yes 72 percent do oppose driver's licenses for Mexico and the third world but the system want's mexico and the third world here and soon that 72 percemt will be the third world and we will be 28 percent of this non nation at that point what do you think your life will be like?

And how many of the 22 percent that support Spitzers plan were illegal aliens? Bet its really 80 or 90 percent opposition if only U.S. Citizens were included. And we are the only group whose opinions matter in how our home is managed.

A poll? How civilized. How about a poll how many think it's ridiculous that anyone should have to poll the public to figure out how outrageous this is? How about a poll on what Spitzer's punishment should be? A) Hanging B) Life in prison C) Prison until 70, then hanging D) Firing squad E) Lethal injection F) Head on collision with invader driver (who survives of course) ... Honestly, there aren't enough letters in the alphabet.

What really gets me is that polls and phone calls rule the day...Well whatever happened to VOTING?? When you consider at least 20 Million illegals are here why are they allowed to cast a vote on what happens in our country?? BOGGLES the mind!!