Mitt Romney releases immigration policy document (er, kinda)
Mitt Romney has released a momentous 70-page tome called "Strategy for a Stronger America" (link). It consists of ten sections about his various proposals. In rather large print, with lots of pictures. No footnotes for him!
The immigration section includes the following quote:
"We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically-enabled and tamperproof documentation and employment-verification system, and increase legal immigration into America."
That pretty clearly sounds like a national ID card for everyone, and even the PDF isn't internally consistent:
Issue a biometrically-enabled and tamperproof card to non-citizens and create a national database for non-citizens so employers can easily verify their legal status in this country.
It's a relief it would (at least according to the second statement) be just for non-citizens. However, as with Rudy Giuliani he's database-mad and as with Rudy's plan even if it only started with non-citizens it would eventually become a national ID for everyone, including citizens.
And, we get three one-paragraph-only sections that, while they probably have their own issues, aren't as problematic:
Secure The Border.
Punish Sanctuary Cities.
Encourage Legal Immigration.
The "Improve Interior Enforcement" section raises a bit of a red flag, perhaps with reason:
Provide resources to enforce immigration laws throughout the nation, and crackdown on employers who continue to hire illegals with stiffer fines and penalties.
Somehow the "continue" part has me a bit worried: after what? After Romney is elected? Or, after a "guest" worker program or after an amnesty?
Wait, what was I thinking? He's against amnesty!
Reject Amnesty. Do not give amnesty or any special pathway to those who have come to this country illegally.
The problems with that statement are discussed at the link, as is a question you can ask Romney to find out exactly where he stands. We know the MSM isn't going to ask, so it's up to us to do it.
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Thu, 09/20/2007 - 04:35
HS 12429 2007-09-20T06:35:04-05:00
The litmus test for any politician is: _what do we do with the invaders who are already here_? Romney fails. IDs and more legal immigration isn't going to stop our country from becoming a Turd World sh*thole. In this whole field of more than a dozen candidates there is only one who would shamelessly defend American interests. Tom Tancredo. Half of the rest spout mealymouthed doubletalk, and the other half welcome their new Latino overlords with open arms. This is surreal.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 09/20/2007 - 14:29
HS 12430 2007-09-20T16:29:40-05:00
When not if the pigs of the third world take control of all areas of our system the political system of the third world litmus test will be "what do we do with the whites that are here"?. The political race question will be how do we remove 50 million Americans? who ARE NOT OF OUR PEOPLE/RACE, READ LA RAZA, This play you see now is the opening of the fight for freedom from the rats that now have eaten its way into the political system and if it is not stopped soon it will eat YOU.
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Thu, 09/20/2007 - 19:19
HS 12431 2007-09-20T21:19:10-05:00
"what do we do with the whites that are here" Yes, the answer to that is clear. Whites will be exterminated. We're being exterminated one by one right now.
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Thu, 09/20/2007 - 19:31
HS 12432 2007-09-20T21:31:58-05:00
One by one. Best and brightest first. [1]
amanda (not verified)
Fri, 09/21/2007 - 08:55
HS 12433 2007-09-21T10:55:29-05:00
"...and increase legal immigration into America." Oh, so he's basically a legal vs. illegal guy who thinks changing the label is all that is needed--not exactly poster boy for NumbersUSA.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 09/21/2007 - 19:00
HS 12434 2007-09-21T21:00:20-05:00
Don't be the new jew in the camp system and if you think that is nut's read history its happened many times in history and will happen here. Buy Guns make friends and fight back against the pigs who want you dead,dead,dead. its really all up to YOU.