Louis Caldera: Obama's White House Military Office director (CFR, fmr CA Assemblyman; immigration?)
Another Clinton retread has joined the Barack Obama administration. This time it's Louis E. Caldera, who's been named director of the White House Military Office. Per this, that "oversees all White House military operations, including Air Force One, Camp David and presidential trips overseas". He's also a "son of Mexican immigrants"; whether they were legal immigrants who followed all our rules or they were illegal aliens and he's an anchor baby is, of course, not specified. However, it's safe to assume that he's going to be sympathetic to the concerns of illegal aliens from Mexico, even if there probably isn't much he can do about it in his new job.
During the Clinton administration Louis Caldera headed the Corporation for National and Community Service, which currently runs Americorps (nationalservice.org). He originally backed Hillary Clinton. He's also a former Secretary of the Army and president of the University of New Mexico. He's also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (source: lawschool.unm.edu/faculty/caldera/index.php). Note that Obama lied about that group not having members.
Caldera was in the California State Assembly from 1992 to 1997 (46th Assembly District). Feel free to search at leginfo.ca.gov or other sites for anything interesting.
He's also a director of Southwest Airlines, Belo Corporation, and IndyMac bank. Due to the last, he's a defendant in several lawsuits.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 12/02/2008 - 22:16
HS 16647 dawes57@cox.net 2008-12-03T00:16:07-06:00
Obama and family are nothing but owned monkeys doing a job for some white foregn bitch country. and i think we all know what country that is or do we?