FIRM, CHIRLA, NYIC demand Obama stops raids, grants amnesty; will march in DC on January 21, 2009

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A group of illegal immigration supporting groups held a press conference in DC yesterday, demanding that as president Obama grants amnesty and halts workplace raids. They also announced that they'll be marching for the same demands in DC on January 21, 2009.

Those involved include Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) and their member organization CHIRLA. The latter has allegedly collaborated with the Mexican government, and another member group is headed by someone who belongs to an advisory council to that government. Other attendees included the New York Immigration Coalition and the National Capital Immigration Coalition/National Capitol Immigration Coalition/National Capital Immigrant Coalition.


Let the criminals take to streets. We all know how this worked in our favor last time, as it will only serve to enrage the public at large.

petty bourgeois we have a criminal who is inside the white house and need's his Army here to control people who don't want to become mexican, and obama will get what he wants by just yelling Racists, don't think we have much time as a free nation.

Mr. Wacko, do you have a link about this press conference?