Does Catholic Charities respect our laws?

Unfortunately, it appears that the Catholic Charities USA has no respect for our laws, prefering instead a world where anyone who's having troubles in their own country can come here. Once here, they should be allowed to obtain all the rights of citizens. In other words, a continual amnesty for illegal aliens.

On Saturday, September 17 in Phoenix, they'll be holding their annual meeting to set their social policies. This year's topic: "Justice for Newcomers: A Call for Solidarity and Reform". That page has a PDF to their policy paper, as well as an email address that their members can use to comment on it.

The term "newcomers" is their word for refugees, asylum seekers, legal immigrants, and illegal aliens. However, the document mainly concerns illegal aliens (who are not, of course, refered to by that legally correct term). From the PDF:
Migrants and newcomers possess all the rights and corresponding responsibilities recognized by the Church. These do not derive from membership in a state or from immigration status, but from the inherent dignity of every person. In our view, citizenship does not confer rights, personhood does...

...[The Church] recognizes a human right not to have to leave one's nation. If a person's rights cannot be realized at home, however, he or she can migrate to seek conditions consonant with human dignity. The right to migrate applies to persons fleeing persecution, violence, natural disaster and other refugee-like conditions. It also extends to the economic migrants who increasingly characterize our inter-dependent world. While international agreements allow for the free flow of goods and services, states do not provide sufficient legal avenues for the movement of people in search of work. This anomaly lies at the heart of much "illegal" migration...

...We do not trivialize "rule of law" concerns. However, U.S. immigration policies deny many immigrants a legal way to meet their most solemn responsibilities, particularly to their families.

...Migrants also have a right to humane treatment on their journeys. At the very least, government policies should not contribute to the separation of families, to human rights abuses or to crossing deaths. Receiving states should normally embrace newcomers as full members, allowing them to assume the rights and responsibilities of their adopted country.

...Critics of immigration reform legislation dislike the idea of "rewarding" those who have violated our immigration laws. Yet as the Bush Administration has recognized, expanding the legal avenues to immigration - to reflect labor and family realities โ€“ will reduce illegal migration, a result that enhanced immigration measures cannot achieve on their own. [65] While effective reform must go beyond a temporary worker program, we would note that the "bracero" program โ€“ a "guest worker" program for agricultural laborers from Mexico from 1942 to 1964 - significantly diminished illegal migration to the United States. [Actually, illegal immigration increased during the bracero program, and that program created the networks that allowed subsequent illegal immigration --LW]

65 Statement of Michael Chertoff, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Jul. 13, 2005), available at ("A second imperative is the need to strengthen border security and interior enforcement, as well as to improve our immigration system .... We are developing a new approach to controlling the border, one that includes an integrated mix of additional staff, new technology and enhanced infrastructure investment. But control of the border will also require reducing the demand for illegal border migration by channeling migrants into regulated legal channels to seek work.")
It says so much that they rely on the Bush administration and even Tamar Jacoby to make their argument.

The bottom line is that they want McCain-Kennedy, together with many other socialism-style "reforms". Hopefully there are some Catholic organizations that respect our laws and our sovereignty and can answer what I hope is just an extremist group.


give 'em a break! sometimes you have to put aside politics and look at the other facts....these charities are helping tons of impoverished people each day and night to be able to give food to their hungry kids, find shelter from the cold and homes so that they can have a chance at a normal and decent life, and give them education and job training so that they can be dependent and self sufficient, among the many other things that these places do. according to some people there are things that are never going to be done right, but whats more important...making sure that things are done a specific law abiding way or making sure that a fellow human being, and in most cases, children, the most blameless victims of poverty, are taken care of? well if we follow the law perfectly, forget the kid, let him or her starve and freeze in the streets because they do not have their american rights yet! forget that!!! that kid has human rights! it is our responsibility to make sure that kids have a chance to live and a chance at attaining those rights. this country was stolen in the first place and everyone is an immigrant anyway, except for native americans, so people need to get over this idealistic thinking

With a few clicks of a mouse, one can view the audited financial statements.

Will Ralph return and admit that he is a proven liar? I'll admit another possibility:he is living in deep fantasyland.

Source Numero Dos
As advanced social thinkers rediscover the power of faith-based institutions to rescue the down-and-out by transforming the dysfunctional worldview that often lies at the root of their difficulties, you would think that Catholic Charities USA would be a perfect model to emulate, getting the poor into the mainstream by emphasizing moral values and ethical conduct. But no: rather than trying to promote traditional values and God-fearing behavior, Catholic Charities

From a pro-open borders source:The Cato Institute
Many of our largest charities, such as Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and the Jewish Federations, already receive more money from the government than from private donations. These groups also run large professional lobbying machines in Washington. In many ways they have become another special interest at the trough of federal largess. Surely, we do not want to put charities on the dole.

When you figure "the amount of funding received from the government" please factor in the fact that churches pay no taxes: no income tax, no sales tax, no property tax, etc. Churches are subsidized heavily by those of us who pay these taxes. Also since churches are considered charities for tax purposes, donations made to churches are tax deductable. The amount of "government subsidy" is not inconsequential.

Actually, according to its financial statements, the amount of funding received from the government is but a small percentage of Catholic Charities' income, but don't let facts get in the way of your rhetoric.

Catholic Charities receives most of its funding from the government yet considers US immigration laws irrelevant. If we lived in a sane country their federal funding would be cut off.
Migrants and newcomers possess all the rights and corresponding responsibilities recognized by the Church
This is darkly humorous, since for many years the Church gave little consideration to the right of young boys to be free from the threat of violent sexual assault by its clergy.

Of course Catholic Charities does not care about our immigration laws, but why should anyone be surprised? Most charities eventually become corrupt, and I'm sure CC is no different. Once you have an infrastucture in place and cash flow is being generated, that means jobs and political influence, so no charity is ever going to voluntarily put itself out of business. A great example is MADD, which achieved its goal of making drunk driving socially unacceptable and getting tougher laws on the books. Did they disband once that was accomplished? Nope. They've turned into a quasi-prohibitionist group.

And to think Catholic Charities USA gets most of its money from the government when here it condoning people who break the law. I know many people now who are going through the proper channels to obtain a VISA the US/become a citizen--but their efforts are delayed because of illegal immigrants. Stop donating to organizations that advocate for illegal immigration--it's simply wrong.