Barack Obama jokes about white people being too racist to vote for him (Jon Stewart)
Posted Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:31 am · short link
Relax! No race card involved at all! It was all just a joke, just a wonderful, heart-warming merry jest straight from the heartland last night on the Daily Show (text link, video link):
Jon Stewart: Are you concerned in some respects, you know, and I don’t even know how to bring this up. Obviously your mother is from Kansas. She’s a white woman. Your father, African. Are you concerned that you may go into the voting booth and...Just relax! It's not like if he wins there will be four years of fun jokes or anything.
Barack Obama: I won’t know what to do.
Jon Stewart: Your white half will all of a sudden decide, "I can't do this."
Barack Obama: That's a problem.
Jon Stewart: (laughing).
Barack Obama: I've been going through therapy to make sure that I vote properly on the 4th.
eh (not verified)
Thu, 10/30/2008 - 21:39
HS 16260 2008-10-30T23:39:53-05:00
More like four years or racial demagogic torture.
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Thu, 10/30/2008 - 22:28
HS 16261 2008-10-31T00:28:51-05:00
Yes, and 4 years of racist affirmative action gubment hiring of malicious incompetents too.
Markham (not verified)
Fri, 10/31/2008 - 00:17
HS 16262 2008-10-31T02:17:04-05:00
Yeah, bourgeois. Heck of a job Brownie.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 10/31/2008 - 00:49
HS 16263 2008-10-31T02:49:50-05:00
Obama like most well to do black's hata whites for race reason just look at any so called black country that was once being ran by whites like south africa which is now just a total monkey Dictatorship and it will happen here as the whites disappear into monkey land. whites will be race baited and murdered and shot down like in south africa and that will be a form of justice. The end game can be played out for world mass murdered,BY THE REAL OWNER OF OBAMA and it is normal in the monkey world.
In Good Company (not verified)
Fri, 10/31/2008 - 06:28
HS 16264 2008-10-31T08:28:47-05:00
I see you skipped over the lead-in to that exchange where he said he didn't think whites had "got the memo" that they weren't supposed to vote for him. He was making ~light~ of the idea that people will vote against him for racist reasons. But of course, the truth doesn't jibe with your idea of Obama The Anti-White Racist, so you won't post it. God, I'm torn between being glad I saw your link to your blog in Politico comments because it's so funny how you distort the tiniest thing and yet claim to be non-biased and non-partisan, and being frustrated because I need to get to bed and there's so much more choice entertainment to be had.
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Fri, 10/31/2008 - 15:07
HS 16265 2008-10-31T17:07:25-05:00
No one here is claiming to unbiased or unpartisan. What planet are you from?
In Good Company (not verified)
Sun, 11/02/2008 - 14:11
HS 16266 2008-11-02T16:11:39-06:00
The planet where somebody doesn't decry the mainstream media as "liberal" and then offer themselves up as an alternative and then post nothing but lies. I just pointed out a massive omission from this post which makes the premise of it completely inaccurate and untrue. And the response? "Who said we're not partisan?" Good to see such a clear admission that "the conservative viewpoint" consists of lies and spin.