Judge David Carter makes false assumption, rules against Orly Taitz ("Birther" suit)

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Yet another Orly Taitz "Birther" lawsuit has failed; Dave Weigel crows about it here. Leaving aside all the many other factors of this story, judge David Carter of the Central District of California in his ruling (link) made a false assumption that shows either bias or inability to understand the fine points of this issue. He says (bolding added):

More specifically, Plaintiffs allege that the President has not shown that he is a "natural born citizen" of the United States and assert that he should have to establish his citizenship by "clear-and-convincing evidence". Plaintiffs argue that despite the fact that President Obama has produced a birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, there is evidence to show that the President was actually born in Kenya, thus making him ineligible to be President.

In fact, Obama hasn't "produced" anything beyond putting a picture of an alleged Certification of Live Birth on his web site. Further, it's not a "birth certificate", it's a "COLB". Ask yourself: would the judge give you the same leeway? If you were appearing before him and had to provide a document, would he accept a picture on a website in lieu of the actual document? Wouldn't he require the document to be authenticated by the issuing agency? Not only has Obama just shown a picture instead of the apparent underlying document, but Hawaii has not authenticated that picture. The judge is giving Obama a great deal of the benefit of the doubt, calling into question his integrity or his ability to understand that sometimes an alleged picture of an object and the object itself are different.

UPDATE: Despite what you might read in the comments, Hawaii has not authenticated the picture on Obama's site; there's a link right in the post above. They have not "authenticated his birth certificate" either. The most they've done is issue this statement. Note that she doesn't say anything about the picture on Obama's site.

Also, Obama never showed the supposed physical certification to Politifact, and there are several problems with the FactCheck posting on this, including the fact that they were lying to people for about eight months. See the main page at Obama citizenship, and see this page from over a year ago for more issues with the Fact Check posting.

Ask yourself: if this issue is as cut-and-dried as Obama cultists would have you believe, why do those Obama cultists - whether sockpuppets or MSM reporters - have to keep lying about the basic facts of this matter?


The COLB is the ONLY legal form of birth identification in Hawaii and has been since 2000. The Department of State has issued regulations under CFR22.51.42 that state the following requirements for a citizen to prove birth in the United States: (a) Primary evidence of birth in the United States. A person born in the United States generally must submit a birth certificate. The birth certificate must show the full name of the applicant, the applicant’s place and date of birth, the full name of the parent(s), and must be signed by the official custodian of birth records, bear the seal of the issuing office, and show a filing date within one year of the date of birth. The State of Hawaii has issued a Certification of Live Birth that meets all of the requirements of CFR 22.51.42. That Birth Certificate is certified by the State of Hawaii, and is considered proven by the Laws of the United States. It will be up to anyone who challenges its authenticity to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the Birth Certificate is actually invalid. There is a very high standard of proof that must be met in order to override the Constitutional ‘Full Faith and Credit’ standard granted to the State of Hawaii in this matter. That standard of proof would require that the complainant show proof that there was an actual fraud committed by the State of Hawaii in the certification of that Birth Certificate, or that the certificate itself was fraudulent. Either way, the burden of proof rests with the complainant. Merely making accusations that this may have happened is not sufficient. This would be true even if a foreign power were to present a Birth Certificate that was claimed to show birth in another country. Under the standard of ‘Full Faith and Credit’ that is specifically provided for in the Constitution, the public records of the State of Hawaii would take precedence over the public records of any foreign power. In order to meet the required burden of proof, the foreign record would not only have to be proven as true, but also the State of Hawaii’s record would have to be proven separately as false. Demanding President Obama's birth certificate is the 21st century of 19th century demands of newly freed slaves: Show me your papers. And when they did they were still lynched. Because hatred makes you blind. I urge you to seek to unite our country. Not divide. Seek to pursue issues that truly matter, that you truly disagree with within the normal civil discourse. Seek to be an American among Americans, as our President does. Truly embrace the beauty of our democracy to offer the highest office in the land the the most humble of it's servants. Disagree with our newly democratically elected President, but show him the same respect I showed George Bush- who was appointed by the Supreme Court.

Mr "24ahead" obviously you haven't even read the judges decision. The case. He is saying that even if you assume the facts asserted by the plaintiffs are 100% true (and Judge Carter doesn't believe that for a second) the case is without merit because there is no power for a judge to remove a President from office, something that the Constitution grants only to Congress. This isn't about COLBs or "birth certificates", this is simply a political ploy by a bunch of sore losers to overturn an election because they didn't like who waon. Get over it! You have no case!

Apparently reading the post is too difficult for BHO cultists, so: 1. The post is focused only on a false belief that the judge has, one that might have affected his decision. Let me repeat: "Leaving aside all the many other factors of this story..." 2. HI could and would produce anything BHO asked them to; anyone who says otherwise thinks you're dumb. 3. HI hasn't produced anything except a couple of statements. Once again - it's right there in the post - "Hawaii has not authenticated that picture".

Judge land and now judge Carter, smack down the crazies (case dismissed), poor little Birthers. Not even “Fake News” Bill O’Reilly believes the crazies, how funny. http://belowthebeltway.com/2009/10/29/bill-oreilly-slams-orly-taitz/ To all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true (TOUGH WHEN YOU KEEP LOSING CASES), if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up. I heard Orly Taitz, is selling a tape (I think it’s called “Money, Lies and Video tape”). She is from Orange County, CA, now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. You know Obama has a passport, he travel abroad before he was a Senator, but I guess they were in on it. In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away the rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”. I heard that she now wants to investigate the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC).

Hawai'i doesn't have to authenticate a picture, they have authenticated his birth certificate. So you swing and miss again. If it weren't for the humor generated by Taitz and her circus freaks I'd seriously question the sanity of those who think they have found some nefarious goings-in. You're wrong, Taitz is wrong and Obama is President. I hope that stings. And you wonder why we point and laugh.

Expect appeals No court has ruled on the merits of any of these cases, only ruling on subject matter jurisdiction and standing. Obama's Birth Certificate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLDW4AUDKeM Obama's my brother http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg3ucK-UMvM Hawaii Never Confirmed Obama's Birth Document As Genuine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn8xtAjG_jI FACE IT, OBAMA IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCbVxkN9k5Y

http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/21/obama.oath/index.html The story of the Oath updated 10:01 a.m. EST, Thu January 22, 2009 Obama retakes oath of office after Roberts' mistake President Obama retook his oath of office Wednesday after Chief Justice John Roberts flubbed while delivering it at Tuesday's inauguration. The second oath -- also administered by Roberts -- took place at 7:35 p.m. Wednesday in the White House's Map Room. Roberts asked Obama whether he was ready. "I am, and we're going to do it very slowly," Obama replied. Read full article » First Oath flubbed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=274_VdeckAU Orly Taitz filed Keyes v Obama complaint 01 at 3:26pm PST (6:26 PM EST) Tuesday January 20, 2009 Senator Obama retook his oath of office at 7:35pm EST on Wednesday January 21, 2009

Lone Wacko. How true. You're alone and wacking it all day long, but still not getting anywhere.

Someone is not a "BHO cultist" merely for knowing that Obama was born in the United States. Under your criteria, a vast majority of Americans would be "BHO cultists."

20090120 Stamped at 3:26 PST (6:26 PM EST) Tuesday January 20, 2009 Keyes - Complaint (#01, January 20, 2009) http://www.scribd.com/doc/16443502/Keyes-Complaint-01-January-20-2009 First Oath flubbed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=274_VdeckAU Orly Taitz filed Keyes v Obama complaint 01 at 3:26pm PST (6:26 PM EST) Tuesday January 20, 2009 Senator Obama retook his oath of office at 7:35pm EST on Wednesday January 21, 2009

The Hawaii Certification of Live Birth displayed on FactCheck, meets most requirements. Mushroom food, being one. If you were born in Hawaii in 1961 and you wanted, really needed, a certified copy of your original vault copy, so you could be The President of The United States of AMERICA, the government employees of the state of Hawaii would do back flips to get you a state-certified copy of your original vault copy (original). You would receive a "first-generation" copy and that's as good as it gets. I was born in 1952 in California, and ordered my BC in 1972 to join the Navy, and I still have the photostat. Where's Obama's? The Hawaii Certification of Live Birth (CnOLB) displayed on FactCheck, is an original laser printed document, on "boiler plate" continuous feed form paper, with a revision date of 11/01. Now you are free to be a fool, you have that constitutional right. But, please act responsibly, and don't take the smoke screen propaganda on FactCheck as reliable evidence. It says on the bottom it is "prima facie" evidence. Take it on face value or first glance, but look at where the data came from. There is another higher-order record document called a Certificate of Live Birth (CeOLB). Here are URLs to three Long Form COLBs from Honolulu, Hawaii, for births occurring between (August 1961 to June 1962): http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/assets/gif/M1139416728.GIF http://passportsusa.com/wp-content/gallery/passportusa/edith_front.jpg Truth is Obama don't want the truth out. But, he spreads prpaganda. 65 million people got punked, by propaganda.

SF 86 FORM 13 Pages Questionnaire for National Security Positions http://usmilitary.about.com/od/theorderlyroom/l/blsf86.htm http://usmilitary.about.com/library/pdf/sf86.pdf

I encounter Borderraven all over the internet while I indulge my schaudenfreude over birthers. Border, You are so ignorant of the law as to be hilarious. What the hell does the time of Keyes's no defunct lawsuit have to do with the second oath of office? Your BS about COLB is fallacy cooked up in your own mind becasue you can't and won't accept the truth.

Re: "In fact, Obama hasn't "produced" anything beyond putting a picture of an alleged Certification of Live Birth on his web site." Not only did he post it, he showed the physical document to BOTH FactCheck and Polifact, and the facts on the birth certificate were confirmed twice by the officials in Hawaii. (http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2008/11/obama_hawaaianborn_citizen_for.html) Re: "Further, it's not a "birth certificate", it's a "COLB" The COLB is now the official birth certificate of Hawaii. (http://www.starbulletin.com/columnists/kokualine/20090606_kokua_line.html.) Other states also no longer send out long-form birth certificates or copies of the original long-form certificates. For example, Missouri is one such state: (http://nativeborncitizen.wordpress.com/2009/06/18/hrj-34-requires-missouri-candidates-to-submit-non-existent-long-forms/)

hy would/should Obama release his birth certificate or other early records? We might imagine these thoughts from Obama: 1. There is no benefit in releasing documents. Birthers will never be satisfied. If some information seems favorable to me, birthers will say they are fakes and forgeries; if some information seems negative or embarrassing, birthers will say "this is just the tip of the iceberg", and will demand a new set of investigations. There will be no end to it at all. Conspiracy theories never end. See Roswell, New Mexico. They just morph into new conjectures. 2. Satisfying birthers is futile. Not a one of them voted for me, and no matter what I do they will not support my policies/programs. Appeasing them is a fool's errand. 3. Is it a matter of satisfying the Constitution and questions from the American people? No. Birthers are only a small minority. Their concern is not about the Constitution, which I respect and admire; their objective is to destroy. What they want to destroy is nebulous, what they want is cloudy. Their generalized anger, paranoia, anxieties, and sense of powerlessness is disturbing. But this is properly a matter for home, church, and mental health professionals. 4. The birther movement is draining millions of dollars away from election candidates. The ultras are frittering away their energies and making themselves look foolish, as only Orly can do. So long as birthers are occupied, it hinders them getting up to other mischief. 5. The birthers are having lots of fun with imagining that somehow I will be jailed and having wet-dreams that Sarah Palin will become President. Releasing documents would interfere with their fun fantasies, and it would be unkind of me to injure their fun.

32CFR147-- PART 147_ADJUDICATIVE GUIDELINES FOR DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY FOR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION http://www.scribd.com/doc/21700217/32CFR147-PART-147-ADJUDICATIVE-GUIDELINES-FOR-DETERMINING-ELIGIBILITY-FOR-ACCESS-TO-CLASSIFIED-INFORMATION 147.1 Introduction. 147.2 Adjudicative process. 147.3 Guideline A--Allegiance to the United States. 147.4 Guideline B--Foreign influence. 147.5 Guideline C--Foreign preference. 147.6 Guideline D--Sexual behavior. 147.7 Guideline E--Personal conduct. 147.8 Guideline F--Financial considerations. 147.9 Guideline G--Alcohol consumption. 147.10 Guideline H--Drug involvement. 147.11 Guideline I--Emotional, mental, and personality disorders. 147.12 Guideline J--Criminal conduct. 147.13 Guideline K--Security violations. 147.14 Guideline L--Outside activities. 147.15 Guideline M--Misuse of information technology

Obots, are free to be fools, and there symbol will be "a mushroom in a circle, with manure on top". Obots, are most happy as long as they are fed BS, while "birthers" keep digging through the manure to save them. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

I'm open-minded. It is simple. Prove to me conclusively: what country BHO II was born in? what hospital BHO II was birthed at? who was the attending physician? what was the age, occupation and nationality of his father? what was the age, occupation and nationality of his mother? What laws applied?

...while 'birthers' keep digging through the manure to save them." borderraven @ 6:02 PM. How noble! And all this time I presumed the digging was to prevent having to face the facts that: a). You lost (I love saying that!), b). now YOU'RE in the minority and your ego just can't handle that, oh and incase you've fogotten, c). you lost! Just a thought: where was all this "digging throught the manure" for the good of the country when there were questions about GWB's AWOL status? I'm not referring to the Rovian trick, that computer-printed letter, that snagged Mr. Rather, either. I mean the complete lack of required documentation concerning GWB's training status, medical exams, etc. Who destroyed those papers? How many shovels did you wear out trying to find the truth there? Thought so.

I think Taitz and the rest of you patriots are good for laugh after laugh. Obama WAS born in Hawaii, but if he wasn't you are all ineffectual in proving that Obama is not an American Citizen. So we, who elected Obama, are laughing at you two ways!!!!! You are not correct, so your self-driven suffering is inane. Your stance that you are correct and all Republicans, Judges, and elected officials are covering for Obama is typical delusion. ONLY you are correct. ONLY you see through the lies. Actually, you make us laugh.

Doug the Republican party gave me two bastards to choose from and I picked Bush. Speaking of bastards, it seems as if 18 year old Stanley Ann Dunham married, 25 year old Barack Hussein Obama, when he had a wife and two kids in Kenya. I guess you will say a Kenyan tribal ceremony and two kids are not a legal marriage, so it don't count to you. No, a consummated marriage is valid. http://www.barack-obama-timeline.com/ BTW -- Where's their marriage license? Per HRS §572-1 Their marriage contract was not valid, if he had a living wife. http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol12_Ch0501-0588HRS0572HRS_0572-0001.htm Allowing the possibility of a Hawaiian birth, tell me how you can support an illegitimate child, born into a dual-citizenship as somehow magically correcting that situation and be considered a "natural born citizen" and being President of the USA? got bogus potus?

"You think laws and the ideals of the bill of rights still mean something"? are you guys nuts? "hey people", we now live in a total collectvist socialist system of total lawlessness! did I forget Maxist court system? with the maoist system yet to come!

The real reason for all the high-pressure tactics to keep Obama's true mixed-race and true birth certificate squelched is because he shares the same bio-father and I and other "Manchurian Candidates" do. (On the white side) Former Ministerium Fuer Staasscherheit (Stasi) Master Spy Markus Wolf (A master of false documentation and crafted Legends) had Celiac's disease (He told me), a particular gift for espionage operatives, and he used his resources to pick women of the same genetics, in order to create proverbial "Manchurian Candidates." That he had intended to run on a life-long operation of the destruction of western capitalism by subversion from within. (See my website) But I was used by US Agencies in the '70's to lure him to the West, where he was "Turned," from the East, by placing me in US Army M.I. & sending me to Germany. He became a "Consultant" for the US since, drawing out the enemy agenda in advance, and drew up the Patriot Act, for example. Every future Obamamania theme was preempted in advance by the CIA and the Bushes. A lot of other spies were lured out, too. Gen. Wolf was gifted in many things, to include applied psychology, and PSYOPS, (He designed many of our anti-war songs - Peter, Paul & Mary...) but his medical expert for personal terror and assassination was apparently a former Nazi SS Munthausen concentration camp Doctor "Death," Aribert Heim. But only now can I share my entire genetic "Espionage family" with the world: http://www.rickhyatt.freeservers.com "Telling the truth during times of universal deceit will be a revolutionary act." George Orwell, "1984"

Raven says: "I'm open-minded. It is simple. Prove to me conclusively: what country BHO II was born in? what hospital BHO II was birthed at? who was the attending physician? what was the age, occupation and nationality of his father? what was the age, occupation and nationality of his mother?" I know you will contest this assertion, but what you about to read is the current legal position of the Federal government: Those questions are of absolutely NO CONSEQUENCE to Obama's ongoing Presidency and his eligibility to hold said office. If you are open-minded you must open your mind to that fact. At this point. You must have conclusive proof that either trumps the State of Hawaii (not likely) or definitve proof of the error of Hawaii's record-keeping processes. That is That. Case Closed as far as any court in this land is concerned. Now, should you happen to find this non-existant proof, you must then convince the appropriate majorities in Congress to Impeach and then convict Obama, thus removing him from office. This is the only constitutionally provided avenue open to you. the rest of your babbling is doing nothing but raising your blood pressure and wasting your time.

tjproudamerican, I consider both birth locations in direct proportion to the evidence. Seeing the Lucas Smith Kenya "footprint" BC, leans me to Kenya. http://senatorobama.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/lucassmithkenyabirthcertificate.jpg Putting the document on FactCheck wasn't convincing enough since I have my long form. Plus seeing the Nordyke twins' long form raised questions about Obama, not being able to share a certified copy of his. And it is pure BS rhetoric saying Hawaii no longer provides long forms, when I know vital records are historic documents and both the original paper and microfilm, are stored. A son of Hawaii running for POTUS, would get great service if he asked for the long form. http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/assets/gif/M1139416728.GIF http://passportsusa.com/wp-content/gallery/passportusa/edith_front.jpg I'd like to have a verification of birthplace. For the sake of argument, assume a Hawaii birth. Where is the long form? Can you tell me the district in which the birth occurred? Who was the administrator or designated representative of the birthing facility? Who was the or physician, or midwife, or other legally authorized person in attendance at the birth? Was the father present? http://www.barack-obama-timeline.com/ HRS §338-5 Compulsory registration of births http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol06_Ch0321-0344/HRS0338/HRS_0338-0005.HTM Obama Family Tree http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_of_Barack_Obama The mother, a US citizen, was under age 19, a minor, and the father a Kenyan born British subject, age 25, with a wife and kids in Kenya. These two were not legally married under Hawaiian law. HRS §572-1 Requisites of valid marriage contract. In order to make valid the marriage contract, which shall be only between a man and a woman, it shall be necessary that:(3) The man does not at the time have any lawful wife living ... Obama's British Nationality Act, 1948 http://lamecherry.blogspot.com/2009/01/obamas-british-nationality-act-1948.html Can you honestly confirm Barack Hussein Obama II, is a natural born US citizen, eligible to be POTUS and CINC? If I was under oath, in court, I could not, on my honor affirm Barack Hussein Obama II, is a natural born US citizen, eligible to be POTUS and CINC. CAVEAT EMPTOR ALL INFORMATION QUOTED REQUIRES INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION.

Judge land and now judge Carter, smack down the crazies (case dismissed), poor little Birthers. Not even “Fake News” Bill O’Reilly believes the crazies, how funny. http://belowthebeltway.com/2009/10/29/bill-oreilly-slams-orly-taitz/ To all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true (TOUGH WHEN YOU KEEP LOSING CASES), if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up. I heard Orly Taitz, is selling a tape (I think it’s called “Money, Lies and Video tape”). She is from Orange County, CA, now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. You know Obama has a passport, he travel abroad before he was a Senator, but I guess they were in on it. In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away the rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”. I heard that she now wants to investigate the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC).

Paul | 10.29.09 - 10:46 pm | The only valid point you make is that Obama has a passport. Any US citizen can get a passport, so what good is your point? http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/ 08USC1401 Nationals and Citizens of USA at Birth 08USC1409 - Children born out of wedlock http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/ 08USC1401 Nationals and Citizens of USA at Birth 08USC1409 - Children born out of wedlock 1. Are you saying if a single unwed non-USA-citizen woman gives birth, on USA soil, that child is: a. NBC and eligible for POTUS b. a USA citizen BUT NOT eligible for POTUS 2. Are you saying if a single unwed woman, a naturalized USA citizen, gives birth, on USA soil, that child is: a. NBC and eligible for POTUS b. a USA citizen BUT NOT eligible for POTUS 3. Are you saying if a USA citizen woman married to a non-citizen man gives birth, on USA soil, that child is: a. NBC and eligible for POTUS b. a USA citizen BUT NOT eligible for POTUS c. Not a USA citizen 4. Are you saying if a married man and woman, both USA citizens, gives birth, on USA soil, that child is: a. NBC and eligible for POTUS b. a USA citizen BUT NOT eligible for POTUS 5. Are you saying if a USA citizen woman, under age 19 on August 4, 1961, married to a non-citizen man over age 21, gives birth, on USA soil, that child is: a. NBC and eligible for POTUS b. a USA citizen BUT NOT eligible for POTUS c. Not a USA citizen 6. Are you saying if a USA citizen woman, under age 19 on August 4, 1961, married to a non-citizen man over age 21, gives birth, on foreign soil, that child is: a. NBC and eligible for POTUS b. a USA citizen BUT NOT eligible for POTUS c. Not a USA citizen d. the citizenship/nationality of the father

funniest issue ever. funniest tin-foil paranoids ever. you are being fleeced and lied to by people who laugh at you and take your money.

_ FACE IT, OBAMA IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN!_ I don't know if he is or not. But I do know that people who voted for Obama expecting "change" are TOTAL FUCKING DUPES AND IDIOTS. Obama\'s played 24 rounds of golf in office [1]. _Took Bush 2 yrs & 10 months._ Ever since he took office he's been promoting the status quo on Wall St while shoveling money (aka 'stimulus'), in one way or another, to his big donors. Top Obama Campaign Contributors [2] _Goldman Sachs, Citigroup Inc, JPMorgan Chase & Co, UBS AG, Morgan Stanley_

[1] isteve.blogspot.com/2009/10/obamas-played-24-rounds-of-golf-in.html
[2] mangans.blogspot.com/2009/10/top-obama-campaign-contributors.html

Border, All those scenarios lead to NBC status if the person is born on US soil. American case law only allows for exceptions in the case of non-citizens who are in the US for business, diplomatic or other short-term related issues.

Border, For whatever reason, YOU may require some long form BC, but the law does not. Full Faith and Trust stipulates that the Laws of Hawaii govern their handling of all birth records for peoples born in that state and that the Federal government and all other 49 states must extend full faith and credit to those laws when it comes to Americans of Hawaii birth. The fact that you don't agree only affects YOU. P.S. The hwole thing about the mother's age only matters is she is a foreign national residing in the US at the time of the childs birth. NBC having children in the US regardless of age convey citizenship.

I pray for a writ of quo warranto to be served in DC. I'd like to see Obama bring his laptop to show the court his online CnOLB. ... "Because a quo warranto is the only proper action to review the eligibility of a sitting President – and because such an action requires a trial of facts - Congress empowered the DC District Court to hold such a trial (by jury if requested by either party) when the eligibility of the President (or any US national office holder) is called into question. There is no political question doctrine defense available to a sitting President for a quo warranto brought in the DC District Court. This is because Congress properly exercised its Constitutional authority to review a President’s eligibility via the quo warranto statute which also provides for the removal of an ineligible person from that office if necessary." ... --- Leo Donofrio

INcredulous, A CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH is an affidavit pertaining to an official record, but it is not a CERTIFIED copy of the official record, therefore I demand to see a CERTIFIED copy of Obama's long form birth record. " Full Faith and Credit Article IV, section 1, of the Constitution provides that “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records and judicial Proceedings of every other State; And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.” This provision was designed to unify the nation by binding together its several states. Dispute exists as to whether, as an original matter, the clause was intended to provide merely that public records, including judgments, could be admitted into evidence in other states, or whether it was intended to give such records conclusive legal effect in other states. The Constitutional Convention did not resolve this issue. Congress soon clarified matters by legislation, however. In 1790, it enacted a statute providing for the manner in which acts of legislatures and records of judicial proceedings of the states would be authenticated. In addition, Congress provided that “the said records and judicial proceedings shall have such faith and credit given to them in every court of the United States, as they have by law or usage in the courts of the State from whence the said records are or shall be taken.” In 1804, Congress enacted another statute requiring that full faith and credit be given to the records and judicial proceedings of the territories of the United States." ...

First, you have no standing to demand anything. According to both Judge Carter and the Laws of Hawaii you have no cause to request a copy of his BC and if you did, what is posted on the web is a digital copy of the document you would receive. This is the law in Hawaii. Just because you DEMAND it doesn't mean you can get it or that any court or jurist is required to bow to your demand. Full faith and credit does not give individuals or states the right to question the VALIDITY of the Hawaiian BC without proof of malfeasance. Proof of which you do not have. Lastly, if a Quo Warranto is submitted in DC, it will be fullfilled simply by the public record of Obama's swearing in. Judge Carter makes this point, at the moment he is sworn in all avenue's for preventing his oath are now moot. There are methods for preventing this oath, for example it would have taken only one Senator and One representative to prevent the electoral college results from being certified in Congress. Carter's point is this - once he is sworn in, you missed the boat to remove him short of impeachment and conviction.

They should have concentrated on the SSS Registration and report that appears to be created in 2008 to appear as though it was from 1980 to deceive voters he was an American citizen. He did not have to register in 1980 if he was an Indonesian citizen on a student visa; that would have made him ineligible. That would be why he is hiding his school, health and passport records as well as full birth information. “LP Beria, Psycho-Politics Address on Health Care and Control” at Lenin University and “45 Goals For the Take Over of America” and evidences on the SSS Registration are seen at http://www.divine-way.com. Goal is control of banks, media and medical professions etc. Knowing that should get more people behind the investigation. NOW we can pray, register to vote (that will send a big quick message) and vote NOV 3 the way we were supposed to, against anti-God ways. We can kindly and respectfully tell the president he has been deceived; what he has been told will produce great peace and equality can only produce enslavement, disease, death, fear, anger and oppression. It is no joy to rule over that. Only a garden paradise lifestyle can solve the world problems before we destroy ourselves. It would be a joy to be part of bringing that in. Marie Devine http://www.divine-way.com God has solutions to world problems we created by ignoring His wisdom.

This is how fringe the Birther's have become, blog posts r.e. Taitz and her efforts are attracting people with even wilder theories r.e. Markus Wolf and this Marie Devine who links a excerpt from discredited "historian" Cleon Skousen

INcredulous "Judge Carter makes this point, at the moment he is sworn in all avenue's for preventing his oath are now moot." 1. First Oath flubbed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=274_VdeckAU 2. Orly Taitz filed Keyes v Obama complaint 01 at 3:26pm PST (6:26 PM EST) Tuesday January 20, 2009 http://www.scribd.com/doc/16443502/Keyes-Complaint-01-January-20-2009 tic toc tic toc tic toc as 25 hours pass 3. Senator Obama retook his oath of office at 7:35pm EST on Wednesday January 21, 2009 President Obama takes command. Any acts as president, prior to this point are illegal or moot.

Doesn't matter, the second oath was a PRE-CAUTION. The government considers Obama's original oath to be the true oath. Nonetheless, that does not change the plantiff's intent. They filed after his oath, they had no foresight of the murmurs about the original oath.

States have the power to grant citizenship within their borders, and Federal Government grant citizenship beyond the borders and verify citizenship as needed.

Is this a gay site? I see a lot of fags posting here. JUDGE CARTER RULEZ!1!111!!1

The only gay guy i see is The Genius post.

Obama is our enemy and hates our freedoms that is why that pig african wants to control the news and the web.

The Genius, comes looking to hookup for gay encounters. "Is this a gay site? I see a lot of fags posting here." I'm not gay, but if you are interested, I'll ask some of my friends.

borderraven is just a ass and one of the obama monkeys. We must start to understand one fact we have no country and must fight to make a place for our families to live in peace and freedom from evil obama monkeys.

Fred Dawes, Read the thread a few times and you'll see I'm no fan of Obama. I am Obama's and Pelosi's worst enemy -- a sworn defender of the US Constitution. There's more happening than you are aware of.

ok..are you a cop? part of the active Military or lawyer? a sworn defender means you work for obama at a government level.

Obama is our enemy end of story he hates this nation and all its ideals, obama is communist, like this pig Carter who hates our laws.

Fred Dawes, I took the oath to defend the Constitution of the USA against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. I seem to be keeping busy lately, doing so. Tho I've not shed blood of my enemy, and I've spent many ours online, I have witnessed and scored those whom have exposed themselves, and have a long list.