Harry Reid doesn't want illegal immigration, ACORN provisions in unemployment extension bill

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The Senate is deliberating passage of a 14-week extension of unemployment benefits. Mitch McConnell wants to include provisions about illegal immigration and ACORN, but Harry Reid - not surprisingly - does not (link):

McConnell is insisting on consideration of an amendment to prevent ACORN from receiving federal funds, and another designed to filter illegal immigrants out of the workforce. The Kentucky Republican said the eight amendments Republicans are offering won’t take much longer to consider than the six provisions Reid has proposed on behalf of Democrats.

..."I see no reason that we have to do immigration on this bill - that's what E-Verify is all about," Reid said. "I don’t know how many more times we have to pound on ACORN — we’ve voted on that many times already."

UPDATE: There's more on the amendments here.


Once more its all about race control and racists ideals of a really insane country. the political and race criminals are winning this fight for total race enslavement and the evil collaboration of third world monkeys are in the cat bird seat, and we have no power over our enemies.

I'd like to POUND on REIDs head until he gets some sense into it.....alas corruption has no desire for sense ....