Al Franken shows incompetence of Tea Party leaders, how they help Obama
The attached video shows U.S. Senator Al Franken discussing Obama healthcare with a group of his constituents at the Minnesota State Fair. At least one person is wearing a "Taxed Enough Already" t-shirt, and some or most are presumably from a tea parties group.
On the video, Franken shows just how incompetent the leaders of the tea parties are: he completely rolls over his opponents, giving what amounts to a lecture on the topic and handily answering the questions they have.
If I had my way, instead of a group of tea partiers asking him questions, just one or two people who are familiar with "interrogating" people - such as trial lawyers - would press him and other politicians on questions like these.
The leaders of the tea parties haven't been suggesting things like that. Their plan was simply to send people to events and have them express their feelings. Whether those leaders knew or didn't know that almost all the questions their followers would ask would be very weak isn't known, but either way it doesn't speak to their competence.
The proof is in the pudding, and Alex Koppleman of Salon (link) and several other Obama supporters are quite pleased with Franken's performance. And, the tea party followers have their leaders to thank for that.
UPDATE: Before or after p0wning the tea partiers, Franken drew an outline map of the 50 states: link, via this. I have trouble believing that anyone could do that without lines already on the paper or some sort of reference, but then again I can't even draw a squiggly line.
George (not verified)
Sat, 09/05/2009 - 21:12
HS 19257 2009-09-05T23:12:22-05:00
The one implied message of the tea parties is that the American people are dissatisfied with the direction of the country. The media should be inquiring as to what they are upset about; this Fox News does very well. While not well directed, T parties, are succeeding in rattling the Obama lefties, and getting media attention, something LW that you have trouble doing. Jealousy is unbecoming of you. Chill out!
eh (not verified)
Sun, 09/06/2009 - 06:36
HS 19258 2009-09-06T08:36:20-05:00
The health care debate is really about demographics [1] The truth about the health care debate is something that cannot be said: a disproportionate share of the (chronically) uninsured are non-white, i.e. Blacks and Hispanics. These same groups are also disproportionately criminal and academic/economic underachievers. Some Whites have figured out that any form of national health insurance will be nothing more than a huge wealth transfer from them to these non-white groups, i.e. adding insult to injury, the injury being their ongoing demographic dispossession. Someone should ask Al Franken how that's supposed to work in the long run.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 09/08/2009 - 04:22
HS 19259 2009-09-08T06:22:25-05:00
A Political joke of the day, a nation that is being ran by dick heads is a nation state that is doomed to live in BS. is this guy also a foreign civilan? of some other place like so many are inside so called government?
Mike (not verified)
Wed, 09/09/2009 - 18:37
HS 19260 2009-09-09T20:37:15-05:00
You are right eh.... There is alot of non-whites there huh.. Al Franken is surrounded by blacks and Mexican right... You, my friend are a stupid, ignorant prick... The man is trying to explain you stupid.. Let him talk...
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Wed, 09/09/2009 - 20:59
HS 19261 2009-09-09T22:59:00-05:00
do you know how to properly use ellipses mike? what is with you calling everyone a prick? do you have tourettes syndrome? why don't you shut the fuck up and take your meds like a good little borderline personality disordered retard?
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 09/10/2009 - 02:20
HS 19262 2009-09-10T04:20:36-05:00
monkey of the day and he is white, may God help us all with this monkey in high office.
Mike (not verified)
Thu, 09/10/2009 - 12:38
HS 19263 2009-09-10T14:38:18-05:00
There we go with the proper grammar attacks. Lets get past that, if your brain allows it (I'm hoping it will) and concentrate on a response based on the essence of my post, if you can. Can't stand to see misused ellipses and call anyone that has typos ignorant you prick. I will repost my original message below without typos or bad ellipse use. I hope you respond to my message soon. You are right eh! There are lots of non-whites there huh. Al Franken is surrounded by blacks and Mexican right! You, my friend are a stupid, ignorant prick. The man is trying to explain stupid, let him talk.
Mike (not verified)
Thu, 09/10/2009 - 14:29
HS 19264 2009-09-10T16:29:25-05:00
Petty, you are a punk bitch!
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Thu, 09/10/2009 - 15:45
HS 19265 2009-09-10T17:45:23-05:00
What is your argument? Oh, I forgot. You don't have one. You are too busy calling everyone pricks.