Notice: Plan C has been activated

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Los Angeles is burning.

While normally we at 24Ahead would stay around in order to help out with the recovery, most importantly of all we need to prioritize and make sure that you continue to receive the information you need. Getting you the information you need is our top priority above all else, and we must ever remain cognizant of that. In times of crisis, it's necessary to understand ones' role and be a team player. Our role at 24Ahead is to inform and keep you informed of the latest developments. Rest assured: we are not abandoning our post, we are simply moving our post to another position from which we can be most effective.

According, Team 24Ahead has activated our Continuity of Coverage policy - aka Plan C - and I, Guillaume, research director Dale, and our intern Gwendolynne Fritz-Ruffala have repaired to Team 24Ahead Headquarters East in "Moskva". Rest assured that I, Valentina Soboleva-Belinskaya, her domra, and Team 24Ahead have not been affected by the recent conflagration. In fact, we stand ready - and by your side - to keep you informed over the coming weeks and months while we make sure that Los Angeles has not slid into the sea. When and if the situation has been resolved we shall surely return.

UPDATE: Jerry Pournelle - America's answer to Bear Grylls (link) - has decided to stay behind and face the worst (link). The entire Team 24Ahead team wishes him the best.

UPDATE 2: It is reported that residents of Malibu have begun engaging in cannibalism in order to survive.

Russian Folk "Hooligan" music. Balalaika Domra QUARTET "SKAZ"


Where are you located? Are you in the line of fire?

Maybe Fred can decifer that gibberish?

Americans can see and we can understand what evil is to bad. think trees and ropes.